Sunday, November 25, 2007

Little Adventure

So Wednesday after play group it was pouring rain. I quickly loaded up the kids and headed home making a pit stop at Monnette's ("the fruit and vegetable store" as the girls call it) I realized I didn't have my wallet in my purse, luckily I had some cash to pay. I figured I must have left my wallet at the YMCA when I had worked out that morning so I decided I might as well check while I'm out. Well, as I am driving into the Y's parking lot I hit a puddle (totally unavoidable). Very bad for our car which loses the engine belt anytime water gets up in the engine. I park the car and decide to call home (Ken was possibly getting home early from work). No luck. I don't know anyone else's number and I am not going to walk all the way home with 3 kids in the pouring rain. So I say a prayer and start the ride home. Here is where the fun begins. Caden suddenly decides to get upset and starts crying at the top of his lungs, Kailyn begins her why questions ("Mommy, why isn't the car working?" "Why did we say a prayer?" "Why is it raining?" "Why is the car beeping?"etc) in the mean time the car battery light is on, the power steering is gone and then the car begins to over heat which causes the car to start peeping at me. I decide I don't want to ruin the engine and pullover to begin the trek home. Let me tell you it was a fun walk home. I had to walk over a mile in the rain with 3 wet, cold kids (and I really had to pee). I'm sure I looked like a crazy lady walking in the rain with my three kids (really I wouldn't be doing this by choice). Luckily, the rain did let up about half way into our walk home. We got home cold and wet. It was not a fun day.

What I have taken from this experience...
- Maybe it is time to get a cellphone (that way I would have a list of phone numbers in the phone and a phone to use to call) or keep a list of phone numbers in my purse for emergency.

- Get the car fix (I never think about it until there is a problem and then it is normally a bad time, ie Thanksgiving weekend) or not drive the car when it is raining.

-Get rid of my wallet or just have it super glued to my arm so I won't lose it again.

-Slow kids and having to use the bathroom are not a good mix (although I could have told you that before).

The worst part was that Ken was home but had not heard the phone ring cause he was sleeping (he had just gotten off a 30 hour shift--he tends to sleep through things after those shifts). I am just glad we got home safely, and that car at least functioned enough to get us part of the way.

So that was my little adventure of the week.

Oh, yeah, my wallet was not at the Y after all. I found it later in a bag in the car that I keep diaper and wipes in.


Anonymous said...

Oh man! What a day. I can't believe nobody stopped to help you! I guess this is one of those stories that is funny much, much, much later!

Kent and Leisy said...

I vote yes for the cell phone. It has saved me on MANY occasions! I would have been crying as I walked home in the rain with the kids.

Lisa said...

Wow, I cannot believe your luck! But it sounds like you learned some very valuable lessons :) I'm glad you made it home in one piece; I really felt bad for you. But, you will someday look back on it and laugh . . . right?!?!?!? I love keeping up with your families happenings; keep them coming.

Shelly and Ken said...

I actually had a repair guy stop and ask what street we were on (he did not offer any help though). One part of me wishes someone would have offered help, on the other hand I think I have heard too many scary stories to actually take it.

Rachael Hutchings said...

Ugh! What a day! This will be one of those stories that will get told over and over as the kids grow older.

the landreths said...

Cell phones are almost a must now--i think passer-bys don't even think to stop because they assume everyone in trouble has a way to call someone for help. What an awful day! I'm glad to see that you had your camera with you, even if you didn't have your wallet (or know that you did). :) You are so awesome. You just do what has to be done--even if it's walking through the rain with all your kids. I probaby would've just sat in the car for a long time wondering what to do.

Shelly and Ken said...

Ken writing here:
who's to say she DIDN'T sit there forever wondering what to do before she decided it was inevitable and she would have to walk? And in my defense, I was VERY tired and didn't even hear the phone ring. I used to worry about sleeping after work--worried that kids might keep me awake, etc. No worries now. I've proven it time and again that after 30 hours, it's not too hard to fall and stay asleep despite screaming/fighting/other goings on outside my door.

dtravelbug said...

I hate the picture of you all walking in cold rain. While glueing the wallet to your arm might be good as well, I know I feel a lot safer having a cell on me. I have a poopy car too and have needed it several times for that reason alone. On that note, AAA isn't a bad idea either.

Liora said...

Oh shelley!! I felt so bad for you!! I can only imagine walking in the rain with the kids - if it had been mine it probably would have been me walking and carrying both my kids!! The joys!

The Kalcichs said...

Oh man. Shelly, I am so sorry. I hate days like that. I'm glad you guys all made it home safe. And I guess if you had peed your pants it wouldn't have mattered because you were already wet, right? I'm glad that you found your wallet but I bet the fact that you had it all along was the last straw.

Emilee said...

I'm so sorry! What a horrible adventure. I've locked myself out of the car on a rainy afternoon, and mobilized two families and three cars before we were through. Cell phones are nice. We've had my mom's for the past week, and I can see why everyone likes them so much.

Katie and Steve said...

Shelly, repeat after me-

Lynn said...

I love Katie's comment. What a great/terrible story! Glad it's behind you.

Otherwise, looks like you've been making some great memories with the family.
Sure love you,

The Mathews Family said...

Wow - that's one to remember! Sorry you guys had to walk in the rain like that!! DEFINITELY time for a cell phone hunny. :)

S&J Jones Family said...

Spencer can sleep through anything as well. It's annoying sometimes. I hate that he can fall asleep in 10 seconds (literally) and I can be exhausted and Spencer's snoring will keep me up. James has been getting into the many questions lately. Instead of the why questions (like Kailyn in your story) it's what. "What's that, Mommy", "Whatcha doin' Mommy?" over and over and over! It's not fun when you are in the middle of a crisis like that. I feel bad for you. Good luck with getting the van fixed!