Saturday, November 10, 2007

A Belated Gift

For Caden's birthday we had wanted to get him one of those toys where you push the button or turn the nob and something pops up, unfortunately we couldn't find one we liked. Then yesterday on my way home from visiting teaching I saw a garage sale and decided to stop. Low and behold, guess what they had, one of those toys. Caden loves it!! He gets such a kick out of it and is constantly bringing it to me to help him (he can't quite do some of the knobs yet). I love how he laughs every time the little characters pop up. Best $1 I've spent in a while.
Even the girls loved it. Looks like Caden is going to have to fight them off if he wants to play with his own toy.
Caden is definitely a boy. He loves tools! Just the other day Ken was fixing a dresser and Caden went and sat right down next to Ken and let it be known that he wanted a tool of some sort. Below is a pic of him helping. You should have seen how excited he got when he got his screw driver and thought he was actually going to help daddy.

1 comment:

Emilee said...

Cute Caden! Olivia has been telling us tonight that she wants a baby at our house too. A baby boy, his name should be Caden, and he should be blond. She's pretty specific. I guess your Caden is a hit with everyone at our house.