Friday, November 16, 2007

Day 3

(Warning: As you can probable tell this post has a lot of pictures. Sorry they are not formated better, they are just one long stream.)
Well, the girls had another fun day. We started out the day with Kailyn and Olivia going to preschool. It was technically my day to drive but thank goodness Kenna W offered to drive. Here they are ready to go.
While the 2 older kids were at school the rest of us went to 'Playground World.' It is a store that sells playground equipment and other misc. items. Every Friday from 10-11am they open up their store for kids to play. Here are pictures of the things the kids did.
Mimi jumping on the trampoline
On the teeter-tooter.

Jordan playing 'house.'

Caden's favorite thing to basketball. He loves it! He will go and get a ball come to me and then walk towards the hoop. I lift him up, he shoots the ball (they have a couple hoops that are really low), he laughs and smiles, I put him down, he goes and gets the ball....etc.Jordan and Mimi swinging.

The girls do really well all playing together. Some of the things the girls love to do, play house and make believe. One of the make believe games they were playing today was dentist. Here is Kailyn checking out Jordan's teeth.

They also love to dance. I think Kailyn and Jordan loved having some new dancing partners. They were having so much fun. They were laughing and giggling so much. I had fun watching them.

We also went outside and played for a little bit. The girls had fun in the leaves, but it didn't last long, they all got pretty cold.
Ken got home this afternoon after being on call yesterday (one of his 30 hour shifts). After a nap Ken joined us for a trip to the library. The kids had fun playing with the puppets, watching the fish, putting together puzzles and pushing each other around in a stroller library lends out (we had gotten it for Caden to ride in but he had no desire to stay in it).
We were on our way back to the children's section after a potty break when Mimi stopped and asked for me to take her picture with this star. Pretty cute.

Then it was home for some babysitting. Thats right we picked up some more kids. We are part of a babysitting swap. We take turns watching all the kids on Fridays. Well, this Friday was our turn. The kids had a lot of fun. They were dancing around and one of the kids commented that it was like a party (I would have to agree). The kids also had fun wrestling with Ken. They started out tackling Ken (unfortunately, the picture didn't turn out) but Ken quickly turned the tables

The poor kids were all so tired tonight. Not a single peep after they were in bed.

PS Emilee, sorry we keep missing you when you call. Just want you to know your girls are doing great.


Kent and Leisy said...

so apparently you can totally handle seven kids! you should definitely have seven of your own! wouldn't that be fun! ahhhh.

Lynn said...

I am continually amazed at all the free, fun stuff you come up with to do with the kids. They sure look like they're having fun. And I agree, 7 is brave! Couldn't happen to a better person!

dtravelbug said...

You've progressed from amazing to astounding since the last post. I can't believe all the energy and organization you have to find and coordinate all of those activities and then have time to record them in photos and post on your blog! I especially love the dancing pictures and Mimo hugging the star :-)