Saturday, November 10, 2007

Silly Jordan

So Jordan is constantly putting her shoes on the wrong feet. One would think there is a 50% chance she would get it right but it is more like 10%. She is normally pretty good about dressing herself though...she is even surprisingly good at matching things. Well, for some reason today she got it all backwards, her shirt, pants, and shoes (don't know if you can really tell in the pic). Ken asked her why her clothes were on backwards, Jordan's reply "My clothes aren't on backwards, my head is!"


dockters said...

That is so funny...and pretty darn smart of her to say that! I love it!

Joe and Dawn said...

So good to hear from you!Also great that you joined the blogging world. We actually recently did too.The kids are still as cute as ever. Jordan and Sydney seem to have a lot in common (shoes continuously on the wrong feet). We're so glad everything is going well. If you want to check out our blog it is outnumberedx4.blogspot.
Talk to you soon!!!

Lynn said...

Ken told me that Jordan said that and I was completely underwhelmed. I thought he made it up. I should have known better. Your kids are so creative! Glad you've got it recorded. That is way cute!

By the way, is there any way you can save this stuff instead of scrapbooking or double doing?

Love you,

P.S. Keep those pics and stories coming.

Kenna said...

Hope it is okay if I answer that question. publishes blog books. I haven't tried it yet but it is an intriguing idea.

Only a three year old would come up with a comment like that....too funny.

Jonathan & Rachel said...

What a funny little girl! So cute!

The Mathews Family said...

How funny! That's a line from 'Meet the Robinsons.' Has she seen it or is that a coincidence?

Emilee said...

She's so dang cute! I think it must be something about the fasteners on shoes. If a shoe has velcro or zippers or something on only one side, Mimi puts it on the side that makes sense to her. (Usually opposite the side that made sense to the manufacturers.) However, we have never gotten an entire outfit completely backward, and aren't nearly creative enough to come up with that clever of a response.