Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Noah's Ark Waterpark

We were able to meet up with our great friends the Phillips at Wisconsin Dells for some fun in the sun. We went to a place called Noah's Ark Waterpark, the largest waterpark in America.
First thing's first, yes we are very fair-skinned and need lots of sun screen.

Ava needed a snack (she always needs to eat if she sees anyone else eating).

Chase had gotten hurt and we were still a little worried about is owies so we put a wetsuit on him to keep them from being bumped too much.

We hardly saw this girl the first half of the day as she ran off with her friend Jenessa.

Caden taking a snack break.

Ready? Set!...


And run away.

Ava loves these GoGo applesauces. Notice the empty one in her left hand. As soon as it was gone she tried to take Chase's away from him.

Oh, wait, there is a little left.

As soon as it was gone she threw herself on the ground. Can ya tell someone missed her nap?

Jordan, Taiya, Ken, and Taevin

Shelly, Caden, Jenessa, and Kailyn

Kailyn and Jenessa waiting for the wave in the wave pool


Caden and Taevin shooting the squirt guns

Ava inspecting the water supply before taking the slide

Going . . .

Going . . .


Umm, I'm not sure.  Maybe a tadpole?

Remember that missed nap?

Chase enjoying the slide

Jordan and Taiya are out there, floating on a tube in the wave pool

Still in the wave pool

At the bottom of one of the rides.  The kids had fun!

The bottom of the ride that flushed the tube

The whole crew.  Ava finally got her nap.


Judy said...

You guys manage to have an awful lot of fun. You are real adventurers.

The Bassetts said...

That looks like so much fun! I wish they had one of those near Billings - that would be a fun family reunion activity. We can't wait to see you!

Jorden and Jessica said...

Wow! That looks like one fun place! Love the last picture, especially that Ava is finally asleep!