Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Farewell in Wisconsin Dells

We had so much fun on our trip! The kids loved seeing their friends again.  Actually, we all loved it. It was so hard to say good bye.

We ended up renting a house--so nice! The kids could be loud and we didn't have to worry about bothering anyone.  The adults could actually talk and there was plenty of space for the kids to spread out.

Taiya and Jordan had fun picking flowers and making bouquets.

Taevin helping Ava down the stars.

Jordan and Taiya

Taevin and Caden hiding so they don't have to say good-bye.

Jenessa and Kailyn

Back row: Taiya, Jordan, Jenessa, Ava, Kailyn
Front row: Taevin, Chase Caden

Heber, Liora, Me and Ken

Taiya and Jordan wanted a picture with Ava but she wasn't having it.

They settled for a picture with just the two of them.

The boys.

The girls

This girl did amazing considering she didn't get a single decent nap.

1 comment:

chrisjones said...

It looks like you guys had lots of fun. How wonderful to have good friends.