Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Day 2 in Denver

We have missed the mountains so much so we had to take advantage of them while we could. We went for a little hike, unfortunately, it was much cooler than we expected.

Caden loved it. He was running around and climbing up everything.

Somehow Ava's jacket wasn't grabbed from home (neither was mom's, oops!)  Jordan let Ava wear her jacket and she wore Dad's.

She looked pretty cute.

Ava looked pretty stink'n cute too.

Next we went to Hammond's candy factory. Here we are waiting for the free tour.

Ava enjoying a piece of candy while she waits.

Chase so excited about the free samples.



Chase was so worn out from the last couple of days that he fell asleep while eating his candy.

 The next stop was a quick trip to Ikea. The middle kids went into the play area. Kailyn was to tall so she had to come with us, which she was not thrilled about. It was fun being able to hang out with her. Here she is showing us what she needs next to her bed to stow all the books she is reading (better grab 4 cause there are a lot of books).

Ava was too little to go in the kids area. She was not so fun to have with us since she had missed her nap and was extremely grouchy.

Then we came back did some swimming and had pizza and a movie for dinner. That night the kids laid their heads on the pillow and were out, it was a long fun day.

1 comment:

chrisjones said...

Hiking and candy: not quite as good as hiking and ice cream, but I guess you have to make do sometimes.