Monday, February 4, 2008


So Ken's program has interview dinners that we sometimes go to.  Tonight we decided to go.  Well, we were sitting there waiting for the interviewees when I looked up and say a familiar face.  It was my friend Chris from high school.  I couldn't believe my eyes, it totally caught me off guard.  It was really good to see him.  I was really lucky and had an amazing group of friends I hung out with and he was one of the guys that would sometime hang out with us.  Of course this had to be the night that our 3 munchkins were the worst they have ever been on an interview dinner (or maybe I was just overly sensitive about it)(and they were not great but I guess they could have been worse).  Jordan for some reason had decided not to nap today, Kailyn was very talkative and asked me a million questions all night and Caden was seriously the grumpiest he has been in so long (poor guy is cutting teeth and hasn't been sleeping very well).  I had thought about not going because of the reasons listed but I'm really glad I went. 


suuuz5 said...

Hey Shelly-Belly! Chris from high school? Which Chris? What a small world! Oh, and FYI the pictures of the kids with their balloons are adorable! SO cute! :)
- Suz

Stacy said...

What fun to see an old familiar face! I was hoping you were going to say that you saw someone that we knew from az! Maybe next time!

S&J Jones Family said...

Don't you love that!?! It seems my kids are the grumpiest at the times I most want them to be well behaved. That's exciting to see an old friend. Is he living there? Do you think you'll see him around more? Balloons are deffinetly an excitement here at the Jones house as well!

Shelly and Ken said...

Hey Suz1 Its Chris Lebsock from high school. He was here applying for the ER residency.