Sunday, February 10, 2008

About me....

So I was tagged by Jackie. Here it goes...

1. What time did you get up this morning? 6:30 (thank you Jordan. She woke up to use the bathroom and in the process woke everyone up, except Ken.)
2. What do you usually have for breakfast? Oatmeal, waffles, pancakes, toast and eggs, cold cereal with fruit, french toast
3. What is your favorite CD at the moment? I love the ones that my sister gave me for my birthday
4. What kind of car do you drive? Dodge Grand Caravan
5. Favorite sandwich? Love deli style with the works. If you are going to have a sandwich have a sandwich.
6. Favorite item of clothing? My PJs they are so comfy and warm
7. If you could go anywhere in the world for a vacation, where would you go? Russia. Ken served a mission there and I think it would be so fun to go there with him and see where he served. I also think a cruise would be fun. Get to see a lot of places and do lots of things.
8. What color is your bathroom? Nothing right now. We still need to finish the bathrooms. First we need to get a water leak fixed before any painting is going to happen.
9. Where would you retire? Arizona
10. Most memorable birthday? I've had a lot of great birthdays. Probably the biggest birthday is when Ken took me to New York City (while grandparents watched kids). It was SO much fun!!!
11. Favorite sport to watch? Football and basketball. I love watching them with friends or live.
12. Are you a morning person or a night person? Night
13. What is your shoe size? 9 1/2 - 10
14. Pets? No. I've already got 4 "kids" I have to clean up after and fed.
15. What did you want to be when you were little? orthodontist, teacher, doctor, business manager
16. What are you today? mom
17. What is your favorite candy? snickers
18. Your favorite flower? I love anything bright and colorful. Ken once got me a bird of paradise and I loved it cause it was unique and different than the normal carnation or rose.
19. What is a day on the calendar you are looking forward to? This month? Later this week when Ken actually has a couple days off in a row. Hurray!
20. What are you listening to right now? The news
21. What is the last thing you ate? cookies. I made them with Kailyn and Jordan to take to preschool for Kailyn's half birthday tomorrow.
22. Do you wish on stars? Yep
23. What faith are you? I belong to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints
24. Who was the last person you spoke with on the phone? my father in law
25. Hair Color? brown
26. Name of your favorite school teacher? wow I had a lot of great ones. Mrs. Goodheart, Mrs Strecker, Professor Zepeda, Mr Corbitt (there is more but I'll spare you) They were all hard teachers but I learned so much in their class.
27. Chocolate or vanilla? If your talking ice cream, vanilla
28. When was the last time you cried? A couple of days ago
29. What is under your bed? wood floors
30. What did you do last night? nothing exciting. I did get to go on a date with Ken on Friday night. He has been working a lot so its been a while.
31. Favorite smell? bread baking, rain, clean babies, cinnamon and apple scented things, guys when they have good cologne on (and not too much), things cooking that I didn't have to prepare
32. What are you afraid of? Like Aimee, I have often wondered what would happen if I passed out or something. With Ken working so much it would take a while for anyone to find me. I think Kailyn is finally getting old enough that she could call for help. I also don't like the idea of loosing physical ability either through an accident or age. I'm afraid of not being able to be independent.
33. How many towns have you lived in? 5 but we have moved 8 times since being married
34. Do you make friends easily? Yeah

OK so I guess I have to tag 4 people now Emilee W, Amy, Rachel M, Cynthia (I'm not really sure who hasn't done one yet)


Lynn said...

I can relate to not being able to pick "one favorite" of MANY things. I just don't go around thinking, "that is my absolute favorite."
I was happy I already knew most of those things about you. MomBa

Lynn said...

Some day I should make a questionnaire of things I want to know about my children.

S&J Jones Family said...

Thanks for doing it. I loved the pictures of Jordan changing Kaden. James likes to help wipe Baer (I only let him if he's not stinky). James was looking at your blog with me and he saw Kaden and said "(gasp) It's James!"

Looks like you guys have had some landscaping done to your backyard...added a pool, huh? J/K We had a river in our backyard from the rain a week or so ago.

Emilee said...

What a fun post to read. Give me a few days to think about my answers before I do it.