Well, it sounds like she is doing great. I was honestly expecting some feedback like, "Kailyn really does well in this area but she needs help in this area." Not so. The teacher said, "Honestly, I don't have anything to tell you. Kailyn is well-prepared in every area." Her teacher said she is very cooperative, has great vocabulary and language, is fun to be around, has good fine motor skills, and knows all she needs to know to be able to start Kindergarten this coming year. The teacher said she thought she would do great and would handle all-day kindergarten just fine (we never doubted she would). About the vocabular/language, the teacher said I could go in and say hi to Kailyn. When I walked into the room, Kailyn was talking a mile a minute to some poor girl sitting next to her, something about "that's what I did at walking group." On the phone with grandparents: don't expect any of your secrets to be kept!
We're proud of Kailyn and are excited for her next step. Miss her? Can't wait to get rid of her (okay, maybe we'll miss her a little bit now and then).
Kindergarten will be so much fun for her. Jared was not any of those things and he is doing pretty good in Kindergarten, so I'm sure Kailyn will do fine. Enjoy your last few months with her home during the day. I find that I miss my little guy during the week.
I know I will miss her. She is our little peace maker. Both Jordan and Caden just adore her. It is cute when she gets home from preschool all of them act so excited to see each other.
WOw, I can't believe she is already old enough to be starting Kindergarten this year!! How exciting! When we move back to Montana James will be ready to start Kindergarten as well.
Yes, Kailyn has always been a well-behaved, sweet little girl. She is so much of the reason we tried certain things with Brynn. Now that I'm mentioning this, don't expect me to actually RECALL any of them, but the general feeling is still there -- case in point, last night. We've had a hard time getting Brynn to sit down for FHE. She just walks around and around touching random things and picking up random things. So I'd finally had enough and told her she needs to sit down for FHE -- I was ready to enforce it, too. So I enforced it. And there were major tears involved.
Fast-forward to Ben's and my conversation a little later about how best to get Brynn to sit down for FHE while not creating FHE-resentment. Ben mentions she might be too young. I reply, "Kailyn was sitting through FHE at that age -- and younger."
I realize you guys started enforcing sitting down earlier, and I think we'll probably do that with Elle, but anyway . . . this happens a lot. A LOT -- when I think to myself, "The Bassetts kids did this." Or, "What would the Bassetts do? They have such good kids." Seriously. I probably think that at least once a day.
By the way, I love your new layout!
What a cute picture of Kailyn! Your kids are darling! I've been impressed with how patient Kailyn is with other little kids. I've watched her help Sam a few times at walking group. She just seems sweet!
I'm glad your parent-teacher conference went so well. Ours is tomorrow, and it makes me nervous. Like you said, who knows what your kids are like somewhere else. Kailyn will be fabulous in kindergarten.
We're sure proud of Kailyn, too. She's certainly doing a great job and we sure love those pictures. Miss you.
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