Caden is in the 50th percentile for height and 75th for weight. Everything else looked great. Caden has a funny little quirk, every time something is stuck in is right ear he starts coughing.
When it came time for his shots he got really excited.
Caden: "Mommy, I'm getting a shot, huh?" (with a cheerful happy little face)
Me: "Yes. They might hurt a little cause they will poke you." (trying to get him ready 'cuz he obviously has no idea what is coming)
Doctor gives him his first shot and Caden gets a look of shock on his face.
Caden: "I'm going to get a shot." (still happy but not quite so chipper)
Doctor gives second shot. Caden begins to cry.
No more happy Caden. He cries through the next 2 shots.
I tell him he is all done.
Caden stops crying, wipes his tears away (LOOVE watching him wipe his tears--so deliberate, so cute) and happily states, "I'm all done."
Jordan was in the 97th percentile for both height and weight (I was a bit surprised 'cuz she has never been this high before).
She was very afraid for her shots, I think mostly because of a little pep talk from Kailyn (the girl that is deathly afraid of shots--yeah not the person that one should talk to before getting shots. "It's going to hurt a little, but you can be brave and . . ."). Jordan hid behind me the whole time Caden was getting his shots, and even before the shots began she was asking "Caden will get his shots and then we will go home and eat lunch, right?" Nice try (notice how she doesn't mention anything about getting her shots). It was really a struggle to get her arm ready, she was quite hysterical. She seemed a bit surprised after the shot. Not as bad as she was expecting.
Sounds like changing doctors was a very good idea!
Wait. You have a six-day-old baby and you're hauling all the kids to the pediatrician for shots in the middle of winter? I think you have a clone. I don't see how it could be otherwise!
Who was your pediatrician? Great blogging and so funny about Caden and his shots!
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