Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Shelly's Paint Project

So, if you remember back when I was pregnant, I painted the ceiling in the kitchen. It was time to finish what I started. While Ken's parents were visiting in December I decided to finish painting the rest of the ceiling.

We rented some scaffolding to try and make the job easier (Our ceilings are insanely high, honestly something I don't love about our house).

I like how it turned out. I don't feel like I am being swallowed by tan/light brown. I learned a new way to do the edge (where the wall and ceiling meet), making a really crisp line. I may just need to redo the the corners in the kitchen....hmm I would love to but have so many other things I need/want to get done.

I also painted the dark brown accent wall, we had in the living room, to match the rest of the walls. Here it is primed white.

We couldn't fit the scaffolding in the entryway, so I had to do it all with the ladder.

Grandma entertaining the kids in the basement, playing instruments and singing, so I could paint.

1 comment:

chrisjones said...

Yikes! I hope that's a once-in-a-lifetime project.