Friday, June 19, 2009

Busy Week

So, here is what we have been doing the last week to keep ourselves busy. I must warn you, the pictures are not in order of when the events occurred.

The kids took free swim lessons for a week from the YMCA. Actually, only Caden did the whole thing cause the class the girls signed up for ended up being way too simple for their ages. The class was good for Caden--he has come so far this year. He started out a couple months ago holding onto your neck for dear life anytime we went swimming. Now he is swimming by himself (with his swimming tube or arm floaties) jumping off the side, blowing bubbles and just plain loving the water.

On Saturday they had a big swim party free to all participants of the YMCA Splash swimming lessons. They had free food, inflatable toys, crafts and free swimming at this great outdoor swimming pool.

Eating a little lunch before we hop in the pool.

There were a lot of people there. This is the little kiddie wading pool. Can you find my 3 little munchkins? We spent most of our time here and then once Ryan fell asleep we spent a little time in the big pool.

Even Chase dipped his feet in to cool off on this hot, muggy day. I wanted a picture of Chase and since Ken did not come with us. Kailyn offered to hold him real quick while I snapped a picture. Too bad Chase suddenly became serious.

Back in January Ken took a shift for someone that was unable to get anyone else to take it. As a thanks, Ken received a gift card to a place called Bravo (an italian restaurant). The kids were SO good. We got a couple compliments on how well behaved they were-one from a couple sitting behind us and another from the manager, who came as we were leaving and told us that she had heard through the grapevine that the kids had done really well.

Jordan coloring as she waits for her food.
Chase was so cute, very smiley.

Caden loves to dip things.

Kailyn loves to draw people. Here is a picture of our family (the table cloth had white paper on top of it).

The local Tropical Smoothie Cafe gave away free smoothies to everyone that came in wearing flip flops. Note to self, smoothies are not something we will be eating on our trip out to Montana in a month. The kids had to use the restroom over and over and over again. Makes sense, look how big those things are. They also each got a free beach ball and balloon.

Unfortunately, Ken was not around for Father's Day, but he was able to join us for a yummy dinner of pot roast, potatoes and carrots, rolls, and salad. For dessert we had mud pie. Yum!

The kids made these signs for dad to see when he got home from work (we were gone at church when he got home)

One of Ken's attendings had a pool/ultrasound party. Family came for swimming and dinner and the residents stayed to learn about ultrasounds.

We are so glad that the Phillips have moved here. We knew them back at medical school in Arizona. The kids have been having so much fun together. Here is Jordan, Kailyn, and Jenessa at the pool party.

They had a fun slide. Even Taevin (the Phillip's 15 month old baby) loved it.

Thanks to the Phillips who let Caden borrow their arm floaties. We forgot ours at home.

We also went to the zoo this week (minus Ken). We were able to see our good friends the Wells there (unfortunately, we didn't get any pictures together)

Jordan, Kailyn, Caden, Chase

We even got to see them clean the elephants. The kids loved watching.

We also went to a thing at the local PBS station. It was an activity to encourage reading (this was actually last Saturday)

Jordan got a butterfly painted on her cheek.

Kailyn got a rainbow.

Caden getting his cheek painted.
Group picture, minus Kailyn who didn't want to get in for some reason.

Taiya, Jenessa, Jordan and Caden in the front.

Got everyone this time.

Last Saturday we also went to a baby shower and played at the park.

Chase slept in the stroller through most of it.

Jordan loves to be outside.

Caden loved the cake.

We also got Chase in for an ultrasound. They had a really hard time seeing anything due to a lot of gas in his stomach and then him being so hungry that his stomach was all clamped up (they didn't want him to eat for 3 hours prior and we were pushing 5 by the time they were done). It sounds like everything was fine though.

Chase has been doing so much better. Zantac has helped SO much. I think that his stomach has finally gotten a little bigger too. His spitting up has decreased dramatically and his crying is what I would consider normal now. He is so smiley now, too. I love, love, love that he will start laughing and kicking his feet with joy when he sees me. I can't believe how many people this week have commented on his smiley nature, never happened even 2 weeks ago. He is also so much more content. He will actually just sit there and be content with his hands and feet. He is seriously a new baby, I just can't believe how different he is from even a month ago. We won't mention his night time sleeping habits steps right?


Susan said...

I'm so glad you've been able to get together with the Phillips and play - I'm happy that Liora won't be alone all the way out there in Ohio! ;) You've really been rockin' the free activities lately - that's awesome! I'm so impressed with you getting the 4 kids out of the house so much without Ken - you're such a super mom!

Renae said...

My gosh, that's a lot of stuff. The news/PBS thing looked awesome!! Let me know when there's fun stuff like that going on. :) Impressed as always!

Kimberly said...

Wow,you have been doing a lot Shelly!
I missed the Splash swimming lessons at the YMCA and a few other things going on lately. It's just been too busy for us! I was at the Zoo on Monday but got there late (noon) becuase I couldn't find a parking spot and walked a mile or two away from the Zoo.(It was so crowded and hot that day!) I looked for you guys. Oh well. That PBS kids activity looked fun! I would of gone if I knew about it! Looks like a fun summer so far! =)

Lisa said...

Wow, I am so glad that Ryan is doing better. Wow, you guys have been busy. It looks like you've done a lot of fun things with your kids. Wish we were going to see you in Montana but it looks like we'll probably miss you by a month. Have a great trip!

Unknown said...

I'm glad that Ryan is doing much better! Shelly- you are the Queen at finding free stuff and free activities! How do you do it?? You guys look like you are enjoying your summer so far, can't wait to see you in a month!