Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Baby, Oh Baby

We have had a lot of babies born in our ward in the last year. It has been crazy. The proof is pictured above. All of these babies are 9 months and younger. There are actually 3 more babies that were not able to be present for the picture and there are 2 more babies due within the next month.

Chase did really good for the picture, especially considering I woke him up from a nap and it was time to feed him...that is until the very end.


Laighton and Katie said...

That is crazy! What fun! (don't tell anyone but Ryan is the cutes baby there) :)

Wade, Jenny, and Girls said...

So much fun!

brittani c. said...

If only Finn could have reached over and put his little arm around Ryan to console him a bit.

Adam Jensen said...

OH my gosh!!! hilarious. What a bunch of cuties

Judy said...

What an awesome picture. Make sure you label who all those cuties are because in another six months no one will look the same!

The Bassetts said...

Crazy! What fun! It sounds like you have a young, big ward. Looks like Ryan will have a lot of little buddies as he gets bigger.

Brenda said...

i wonder how the nursery leader is going to feel in about another year!