Sunday, May 17, 2009

Busy Weekend


Kailyn's school had a carnival Friday night. Ken had to work so I flew solo--not a new experience. The kids had so much fun.

Jordan and Kailyn on the swings. (The thing you see wrapped around Kailyn's head is something she got from school. They are learning about Japan right now.)


Caden on the swings. Doesn't he look so small? He was so excited to get on and loved it.

Caden and Kailyn going down the slid. They loved it. This is their second time going down.



Jordan wanted to make one of these (a tube filled with flavored sugar) so bad. She choose it over ice cream.

Kailyn, Caden, and Jordan enjoying their treats.

Caden got a bit messy with his fudge bar.


-Woke up, did laundry, and made cookies.
-Went to the church for a ward activity--breakfast. Yum! The kids loved all of the food, especially the strawberries with whipped cream. (Ken was actually able to join us but then had to go to work)


Caden, Jordan and Kailyn eating their yummy breakfast.
-We (minus Ken) then went to Claire's Day at our local library. Unfortunately, I have no pictures. I couldn't find the camera (of course, I found it in a small pocket in my purse as we were leaving the library). The kids painted watercolor pictures, made bookmarks with stamps and beads, made pinwheels, made a mini flower arrangement, and listened to a story.
-Delivered some cookies
-Made a Costco run. We just recently got a membership (a birthday present from Ken's parents) and the kids have loved going to get samples. Saturday did not disappoint, there were many delicious samples to be had.
-Came home and cut Caden's hair.
-Kids got a bath and ate dinner.
-Headed to a baptism at the church (unfortunately, Caden had missed his nap due to our running around and was not the best-behaved or quiet for that matter)
-Put kids to bed
-Did a little cleaning of our poor neglected house.
-Worked on my Teacher Development class I taught on Sunday.
-Went to bed.

Not mentioned in our day are Kailyn falling and getting hurt, Caden throwing a fit, and another, and another, etc, etc, etc, taking kids to bathroom, again and again (Caden didn't have a single accident!), trying to make Chase happy and wishing he would like his carseat or stroller so I didn't have to hold him all day.


The Bassetts said...

Good Job on the potty training!! Its so nice when they are out of diapers. I have to admit that I am a little bit jealous of you having a Costco close by. We used to love to get samples there when we lived in Belgrade. What a busy weekend...hopefully on Sunday you had some down time to relax a little.

Miranda said...

Shelly, you are my hero! I think if I was alone with four kids, I would shut myself in my house and turn on videos all day long

Foss Family said...

You are SuperMom! You amaze me, Shell!! Keep up the good work:)