Sunday, May 10, 2009

Happy Mother's Day

Boy was I spoiled this year for Mother's Day. Ken actually had some time off. It has been a VERY long 3 months, February and March probably being the most challenging time in my life. I think Ken was trying to make up for it, and I think he did a fabulous job. First off, he had Monday off and took me up on potty training Caden (Caden is a boy, after all, and it is only right that a boy should train him, don't you think?)
Saturday evening he took the 3 oldest kids shopping. After he got home he offered to help the kids clean any room in the house. I, of course, chose the messiest--the garage, aka family room, aka toy room. After cleaning the garage, he gave the kids a bath before bed.
This morning he got up with Caden and Ryan at 6 am and allowed me to sleep in. It was wonderful. Then I was treated to breakfast in bed. Waffles with strawberries and whipped cream. Mmmm! Treating me to breakfast in bed is one of Kailyn's favorite things to do.
Ken was asked to speak at church today. The topic guessed it, mothers. He did a really good job and highlighted all of my greatest qualities, with a little help from me. You should have seen the first draft of his talk!! Thankfully, he ran it past me, and I was able to set him straight on a couple things. At one point, I did mention that he may have embellished the truth a little bit. He didn't agree (lucky me--still have him fooled!!).
After church he made dinner and cleaned the kitchen, got the kids ready for bed, then had the kids help him make a new dessert--a treat with a story. Back in February when my mom was visiting (and after a particularly productive day at home when I had cleaned the whole house, done all the laundry, helped paint the upstairs bedroom, and made 14 freezer meals), Ken was teasing me about how lazy I am. He said that all I do all day is sit on the couch and eat chocolate bon bons. My mom, who was sitting next to me, was a bit confused as too who 'chuckle bum bums' was. Apparently, she thought Ken said I sit on the couch with 'chuckle bum bums,' an unusual nickname she assumed we had for Chase. So, in honor of my laziness (sitting on the couch eating chocolate bon bons all day, accomplishing nothing else), Ken made me chocolate bon bons for Mother's Day and insisted I stay on the couch to eat them. Of course, he called them "chuckle bum bums."
Today was a wonderful day, thanks to my wonderful honey!

Chocolate bon bons aka 'chuckle bum bums' (they hadn't quite set up yet).

A medallioin Kailyn made for me at school.


Liora said...

I am so glad you had a wonderful Mothers Day!! Your "chuckle bum bums" story made Heber and I crack up! It was hilarious!!

Unknown said...

Shelly you are one lucky girl!! I am glad you had a great Mothers Day, you earned it! The picture with the three kids is really cute!

Kent and Leisy said...

shelly- I would have never suspected that the past few months have been so crazy (any crazier than your life always is anyway!). You always look so put together (and so do your kids)! Ken's talk was really good- and it doesn't sound like he embellished at all. I love the chocolate bon bons! very impressive, ken!

Judy said...

Tell Ken to post his talk. We want to read it!

Your Sister said...

In my defense:
1) I had been sniffing paint fumes all day
2) I had that head injury
3) Chuckle Bun Buns SOUNDS like a name Ken would bestow upon his offspring.
Love, Mom/Grandma J

Lynn said...

Treasured memories. And you have them recorded! Now they will be "forever" and not "forgotten."
Love you all,

The Bassetts said...

Loved the story of the "chuckle bum bums". In answer to your question I don't have a cake mold - I have a book that shows you how to cut up cakes. It has boats, trains, airplanes, dogs, tigers, butterflies.... you name it. My mom used to make those cakes for us when we were little and now she has passed the book on to if you are ever stuck as to what type of cake to make for a kid's birthday give me a call!

Foss Family said...

I'm glad you had a good Mother's Day, Shell. If anyone deserves it, it's YOU! Love the pic of you and the kiddos. Precious! :)

Lindsay said...

I love that picture of you and your kids! Glad you had a good mother's day. You deserve it!