So can you guess why we are so proud of Caden?
That's right, Caden is finally potty trained. Somehow I talked Ken into doing the initial day of training, thus the reason it took so long to get Caden trained. We had to wait for Ken to have a whole day off (it has been a while).
Caden has been doing really well. He was up and down in the beginning, but he has been doing much better. No accidents yesterday, and only one after we had put him to bed tonight. He loves how we get excited for him and always makes sure we know that he is going to go and use the bathroom. When he uses the toilet, he says, "I make Mommy so happy. I make Daddy so happy. I make Grandpa and Grandma so happy."
The only problem we are having right now is that he does not like to try and go--like, if we are going to the park, I normally make the kids try and go before we head out, but Caden doesn't want to. Not only does he not want to, but he actually freaks out. Not really sure why he gets so upset.
Chase has been our fussiest baby. He is doing so much better now! Thank goodness. He continues to spit up a lot, and thus has been growing slowly (he is my smallest baby). He is smiling more and with some work might let out a little laugh.
Chase's new thing is that he loves to grab his right foot. He does it when he is just sitting there, when he is happy, when he is sad, etc. He also loves to try and pull himself to a sitting position. Yesterday he was in a bouncer chair when I suddenly heard Chase crying/screaming as if he had been hurt. I went in and found that his foot was caught under his other leg, and he was leaning forward trying to find that right foot that he likes to hold so much. He was upset that he couldn't grab it. He has been sitting up more, sometimes 20-30 seconds at a time, unassisted. All of this makes me happy because I'm more able to set him down and do other things, and he isn't constantly crying like he used to.
Yeah Caden! Ryan is sure looking a lot like Caden. Grandma J
I remember Ethan throwing those same fits when I tried to have him go to the bathroom before we went somewhere. I can have him do it now, but at the time when we were potty-training him it was more in his personality for him to let us know when he needed to go and it worked out perfectly for him. It sounds like Caden may be the same way.
What a packed weekend. 1-Ryan is getting big, and his hair is growing. 2-Seems like a lot of newly potty trained little ones have an accident, we won't tell (at least you weren't there for it :). 3-You should get mom of the year for taking 4 kids solo to big events, back-to-back and with a wee-one! Go Shelly!
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