Sunday, May 3, 2009

Beautiful Saturday

The weather was absolutely gorgeous on Saturday. We spent almost all day outside. Ken and I doing lawn work, fighting over who got to mow the lawn (we both wanted to), and the kids playing next door with our neighbors. We have some great neighbors they have helped us out so much over the last two years, they have let us borrow so many tools. The kids love their girl Mina who is 12 years old.

Kailyn, Jordan, and Caden sitting on the neighbor's swing.

Ryan helping (for about 2 minutes)
Chase doesn't smile a whole lot so we had to capture the moment. Here Chase is smiling at Ken who is playing patty cake with him.

Chase spits up A LOT. Seriously, it is an insane amount. The one positive thing is that he seems to have to develop some good ab muscles.

Jordan was a little creative with her cereal at breakfast time.

This one needs no explanation.


Emilee said...

Oh, I love spring weather. My whole outlook on life changes every May. You guys look like you really took advantage of it.

Kent and Leisy said...

I can't believe that ryan is semi sitting up!! wow!!

Judy said...

Hey, you guys should move in next door to US, that way, when you both want to mow the lawn, one of you can mow yours, and the other can mow ours!

Lynn said...

Nice smiles, Ryan! I love the one of Caden and the truck.