Tuesday, April 21, 2009


Last week was Kailyn's spring break. Luckily, Ken was able to get some time off, so we headed to Chicago. We got a hotel outside of Chicago and then rode the train in. The kids loved riding the train.

Ken thought I was a sight to see-carrying a baby with his windbreaker over (trying to protect Chase from the cold Chicago wind) and a walking cast.
Our first stop in Chicago was a pizza place called Giordano's. Mmmm! It was so good! We ordered a Hawiian, Chicago style pizza. It was really good and worth the extra walking it required to get there.

After our tummies were full, we went over to check out the American Girl store. The girls loved it. They were very excited when they found a doll that looked just like them. Kailyn kept asking, "How did they know what I looked like so they could make a doll like me." They desperately wanted to pick out a doll, but we made no purchases (we decided we couldn't afford $95 a pop).

We told the girls to find the doll that looked like them, so we could get a picture. Apparently, Jordan doesn't realize she's fair-skinned and red-headed.

On the way home we decided to get some ice cream. I'm not really sure what we were thinking...it was a little cold for ice cream. The kids loved it, though, and said it was worth getting cold for.

Playing on the Lake Michigan beach.

Poor Caden missed his naps. Here he is getting a little snooze in Ken's arms.

For some reason Jordan was sucking on her jacket sleeve, which happened to be filthy, thus getting dirt all over her face (this picture doesn't do it justice). Yuck!

My silly girls.

I had to include this picture. Jordan is so silly.

Kailyn has become such a poser.
The kids playing in a lifesize tractor.

Waiting in line to get into the water play area. Can you tell Caden is ready for a nap and tired of walking?

Poor Caden was so tired and not feeling 100%.

I think the highlight of the trip for the girls was seeing their best friends, Olivia and Mimi, both on the way there and on the way home. We went on a chocolate factory tour with the them.

Mimi, Caden, Olivia, Kailyn holding Chase, Jordan

Even Chase needed to wear a hairnet.


Lisa said...

Looks like a fun trip. I loved the chicago pizza joint we went to when we went last year. What a fun city to visit. Hey, I love the walking cast. I just got one yesterday on my right foot. Fun for us. I guess it could be worse and be a hard cast :)

Brenda said...

You always do such fun things. Chicago sounds like a fun place to visit!

Kent and Leisy said...

how fun!!! It looks like you guys packed a lot of adventure into a few days!

Renae said...

What a fun trip!!! It's great being close to big fun cities like Cheekagee. And all on a walking cast!

Cynthia said...

What a great trip- looks like you guys went to some great places.
I love Jordan's doll choice- kids can be so random.

S&J Jones Family said...

It looks like you guys had fun. I love the pictures. I would love taking pictures of your family...they would be so much fun!

dockters said...

YOu guys did it ALL! Looks so fun!