Friday, December 17, 2010

We Moved

We were loving our apartment, the pool was great, the rent was reasonable, the kids were in a great school...but there was the neighbors below us. They were totally unreasonable. They would constantly pound on the ceiling. We would be sitting down at dinner and Caden would get up to clear his plate and they would pound, pound, pound, pound, etc. Chase would go into his room to get his pajamas and trip and we would hear them pounding and pounding on their ceiling. We tried to go and talk to them to figure out a solution but they refused to talk to us. They called management on us a couple of times for noise. Management would call us and say there was a complaint. We would calmly tell them that we were sorry our 1 1/2 year old was walking in the kitchen. Our kids never ran in the apartment and they did not jump or throw things, we never played our music loud and we went out of our way to not be in the apartment. Management quickly realized that we were not the problem but the pounders were. They had a special meeting with them to inform them that part of being in an apartment is hearing others around you and that we had a right to live in our apartment and make noise as long as we weren't being loud during quiet hours. We found out that the neighbors below us were three college students (I know I was surprised, you would think they wouldn't be so sensitive) that had never lived an apartment before. The pounding continued. It began to stress us all out, especially Ken. Anytime Caden would trip he would quickly turn to Ken and say, "Sorry Dad." Ken just did not enjoy coming home because of the constant pounding and stress of worrying about if we were being too loud. So we decided it was time to move.

We were really lucky to find a house to rent that is in the same school for our girls. The move was a little crazy. We didn't really box things. We would put things in tubs and then just dump them at the new house. It was a total disaster for a little bit. The kids have absolutely loved our new house! We have so much more room. They can finally act like kids. They can play with their toys without worries and even play a game of hide and seek. Life is much better.

Ken took pictures as we were unpacking. I was appalled that he would take pictures of our mess but he said its a memory. So here is the disaster we call our move.


chrisjones said...

Wow, loving all updates! Can't wait for the next one!

Susan said...

oh wow! you moved! i'm glad you didn't have to move far away... and I bet you SOOO relieved to be out that apartment with those horrible neighbors... what was their problem?!! Anyway, glad you are getting settled in a new more comfortable place :)

Cynthia said...

oh my goodness! What horrible neighbors. I am glad you found a new better place to live!

Jorden and Jessica said...

I can't believe your neighbors! That is crazy...especially since they are college students. Aren't they suppose to be the loud ones. Glad your kids can play freely now. Your new house looks so cute! & I agree with Mom, love all the updates!!

Angie said...

Congratulations on the move! The new place looks great, especially the kitchen! Have you given us all your address yet?

Lisa said...

So nice to be in a house. Sometimes people can be so unreasonable. We had a similar, though not as extreme, experience in our apartment in Ohio. Gotta love neighbors!