Tuesday, December 28, 2010


Christmas was so much fun this year! The kids made the day perfect. They were so excited for Christmas and excited by every little thing they got and did.

We always start Christmas day with a special breakfast. This year I tried a new recipe for morning buns. We also enjoyed bacon, sausage, eggs, chocolate milk, and eggnog (other than the eggs, these are not normally eaten in our house so it was a special treat).

After breakfast we opened presents. In our house we open presents one at a time. Who ever opens the present gets to pick the next present to be opened and gives it to the appropriate person.

One of the things Caden is really into, is superheros. He was very excited to add a new spiderman outfit to his dress-ups. He has also been asking for some "boy books." All we own are girls type books or gender neutral ones. He was SO excited to get 3 superhero books that he immediately sat down and started reading them and it was near impossible to get him to open his next present.

Chase had no interest in opening presents, all he wanted to do was eat his chocolate from his stocking. Here he is going back for some more candy.

Ken finally forced him to open a present. He wasn't too sure but once he got started their was no stopping him. He even loved picking and handing presents to people (doing so even when it wasn't his turn).

Kailyn has been wanting a bathrobe for awhile now. I had been looking everywhere for one but could never find one in her size. I was so excited when I found this one at Saver's (a second hand store). Kailyn was super excited to finally get her robe and loved the fact that it is fuzzy and pink!

Jordan was totally thrilled by every aspect of Christmas. She loved every present she got.

Every year the kids buy for each other. This year we had the kids draw names from a hat to try and make it a bit of surprise. The kids are not very good at keeping secrets because within a day they all knew who was buying for whom.

When we first moved here, Kailyn saw some little statues at the dollar store that she thought Jordan would love. Kailyn was thrilled when she picked Jordan's name. Jordan loved her mermaid statue from Kailyn.

Opening presents from Grandma and Grandpa Jones. They loved the toys they got.

Chase got a train. He loved it so much that he even slept with it.

The girls got jewelry making kits. They have been having so much fun making necklaces, bracelets, and even rings.

Caden got a tool set. Which he was so excited with. He loves to pretend to fix things.

Aunt Ashley and Uncle McKay got us a fun game set. It will be perfect for our new yard, once it warms up a bit.
The kids were so excited to give their dad his present. They decided to make a treasure hunt for him. They even thought of the clues themselves.

Every year we have a treasure hunt for one present. This is a tradition that I (Shelly) had growing up. The kids love the treasure hunt and look forward to it every year. This year we sent the kids on a treasure hunt to find their new Wii.
After opening presents we had some people from church and 4 missionaries come over for games and food. The evening was a lot of fun, unfortunately I didn't get any pictures.


chrisjones said...

How fun! It's nice to see you continue some traditions forward from your childhood as well as adding your own. I love how excited the kids are.

Stacy said...

Yeah for Christmas!! Looks like you guys had a good one and were spoiled!