Friday, December 17, 2010

Pumpkin Carving

We didn't carve a jack-o-lantern this year because things were a little crazy around Halloween and because we lived in an apartment, thus we had no where to put it. We did let the kids gut a pumpkin for our traditional dinner in a pumpkin. They were thrilled as you can tell...

Chase was obviously thrilled and dug right in.

And was obviously obsessed with what was dug out of the pumpkin and wanted to exam it very closely.

Jordan jumped right in with both hands.

Kailyn wanted to do the whole thing by herself but kindly only did one handful so there would be enough for everyone to participate.

Caden reaching in...
...and as you can see refused to let go of the pumpkin guts because he loved the feel.

1 comment:

Stacy said...

So fun! and that is my favorite thing to do! I love the gooey seeds!