Thursday, December 16, 2010


Our treat or treaters...

Kailyn-fairy, Chase-bumble bee, Jordan-fairy, Caden-fireman

Our ward had a great party (actually it was 3 wards that worked together to put it on). They had games and trunk-or-treating in the parking lot.

Caden doing a ring toss

Kailyn fishing for a prize.

Chase was a bit hesitant because of the dim lights and the large crowd but quickly warmed up once he won a sucker.

Jordan working on a craft.

The kids playing a game. They would take turns rolling a dice and moving their piece and the first one around won.

The highlight of the evening, for Jordan, was winning the award for 'Best Girl's Costume.' She got a metal (which she wore everywhere for the next week) and a huge size Hershey bar. (The judge was a little girl that picked someone from the audience). I really don't think she has ever been so proud as she was of that metal, it was really cute.

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