Chase had his well child check just before we left for Montana. Here are the stats:
weight: 12 lbs 10 oz (25th percentile)
height: 25 3/4 inches (50th percentile)
head: 50th percentile (which is weird for us cause all of our other kids are in the 97th percentile)
He was barely on the charts before for weight and now he is in the 25th percentile. Go Chase! It is amazing how much easier it is to put on weight when you don't spit up 95% of all you eat.
Although he was off to a slow start with weight, he is doing great developmentally. He can sit unassisted and can even do a full sit up if you hold his feet on the floor. He is smiling like crazy. Laughs. He loves sucking on his hands. Reaches for toys. He is even starting to do an army crawl to get toys just out of reach. He finally rolled over! Hurray! He babbles. He is also quite the drooler and does to continue to spit up some. He has never been much of a pacifier baby and seems to go back and forth between taking one and hating them.
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