Friday, May 30, 2008

Work and Play

Wow, what a week it has been! Ken has been off since Sunday (although he slept all day Sunday cause he worked the night before), which has made all of the kids insanely happy. The first day he was off he was sitting on the couch and all the kids just started crawling all over him, they were just so excited to see him. Kailyn has been telling everyone that daddy is going to be home and "doesn't have to work all day or all night."

With Ken home we have been cramming our days full of work and fun. We have been working on our bathrooms. We can now use the toilet in our downstairs bathroom, still no sink. We bought insulation and wallboard for the downstairs bathroom too, but are waiting to put it up (still working on the leak). We finally get the downstairs toilet usable just in time to make the upstairs one off limits. We are working on finishing up the walls. We finished removing the wallpaper, cleaned the walls, and put texture up on the walls. We are hoping to be able to paint today. We also bought wanscot for the wall, probably won't get time to put up this week.

'All work no play,' is not our motto so of course we have been having a lot of fun. We have been going swimming, going to different parks, having a couple of picnics, playing games, we went down to Findlay on Memorial Day to see Ken's aunt and uncle and just enjoying every moment together. Kailyn's prayer, "We thank Thee that we had so much fun today. Please bless that we can have lots of fun tomorrow too."

Good bye picnic Saturday morning (Ken was still working). We are going to miss all of our friends that are moving away.

Kailyn swinging with Ella (one of her friends that are moving).
Caden loves to go down slides.

Jordan (in the middle) playing with friends.

Kailyn and Jordan.
Waiting for the parade Monday morning. We got SO much candy it was crazy (of course it was all tootsie rolls, suckers, and bubble gum)

Caden fell asleep on the way home, wedged between Jordan and the back of the bike trailer.

Jordan ended up falling asleep and taking a really late nap one day. So that night she had a really hard time falling asleep. This is how we found her.

Fun at the park.

Our kids love to swing.


Brenda said...

first of all, are those hand cuffs on Kailyn and Jordan's hands? And i love the look on Jordans face when Caden is asleep behind her. Priceless. I am glad Ken has been home.

S&J Jones Family said...

Yeah, that's great that Ken has been home! It looks/sounds like you guys have been having tons of fun!

The Mathews Family said...

FUN FUN FUN! Love this time of year eh? James starts Derm/Uro on Monday and I can't wait! We too have hardly seen the man my kids call Daddy lately! Time for a little R&R!

BensonFam said...

Three cheers for fun with Dad! So glad you guys are getting to enjoy him for awhile. Hope you all are well!

The Bassetts said...

Cute pictures. I am glad to hear that you are coming to the girls weekend and sorry to hear that some of your friends are leaving. That is always kind of hard.