Wednesday, June 11, 2008


Saturday...what a day. So, we have been without a dryer for sometime cause ours broke down and we were waiting for one that someone was going to give to us. We finally worked it out to pick it up Friday. I was so excited that I had stopped doing laundry (I was sick of hanging things up to dry). We got the dryer home doesn't work (I had asked before picking up if it worked the person said it did, so not sure what happened). Can I tell you how bummed I was. I had waited all this time for a broken dryer and now have loads and loads of laundry that need to be done. So I decided to check out the local laundromat. I was a bit nervous about how the kids would behave but they did awesome. I think it was the novelty of it all.

When we arrived home we had no electricity. Which really stunk cause it was a hot day, thank goodness not as hot as the day before. There had been a really big storm that had gone through the night before and I think as they were repairing wires they accidently knocked out our power. By dinnertime we still didn't have power so the kids and I went and grabbed some $5 pizza and took it to the park to watch a baseball game and eat (Ken by the way was working a 30 hour shift). It really stunk having the power off cause we didn't have A/C or fans and I wasn't able to get a lot of things done that I had planned on. The power eventually came back on around 10:30pm (over 12 hours without power). By the way we were without power last Saturday too cause of a tree that fell on a powerline during a storm. I'm thankful though cause even though 12 hours felt like a long time in the heat, I know a lot of people didn't have power for days.

Caden helping at the laundromat.



Caden wanted to paint with the girls. I don't know if you can tell but he has paint all over his face.

Jordan pulling Caden in the wagon.

This morning I went downstairs to find a chair knocked over and our garbage all over the floor (it normally is under our sink). There was a trail into the livingroom and out the back door. I think a raccoon got into our house. It's the only animal I can think of that could get it out from under our sink and would eat things like popcorn, watermelon, and hot chocolate powder (which is now ground into my livingroom carpet in 3 big stains). Ken was the last one to bed last night and didn't shut the back door thinking the cool air would be nice...not realizing that the screen had a big hole in it.
Caden checking out the mess.
Part of the trail leading out the back door.


Lyndsay said...

Wow! Did it freak you out to see the mess when you walked down the stairs or did you immediately know a raccoon was to blame? I can't believe the week you've had and I can't believe I complained about mine to you!
What kind of dryer are you guys in search of (electric or gas)?

brittani c. said...

Bless your little heart...such a downer when you expect something to work! If you need to use a dryer, use mine (I'm gone during the day). We haven't had electricity problems, but we know what it's like when the A/C doesn't work properly in this weather.

brittani c. said...

Wait a minute, how do you know the Lindahls?

Judy said...

If we had raccoons around here, I think Bob would leave the door open every night and sit on the couch with his camera. You should set up a surveillance crew!

Jonathan & Rachel said...

Sorry about your dryer!! Hopefully you'll get one soon! I bet your kids thought it was so fun to go to a laundry mat.

Shelly and Ken said...

We need an electric dryer.

the landreths said...

That is so funny about the raccoon! I bet that is what it was--we used to see them go into our trash and right up to our back door when i was growing up. Little scavengers.

I hope you find a dryer soon! You are inspiring to me--i don't think i would've ever taken all three of my kids to a laudromat. But now i would knowing that you've done it :).

S&J Jones Family said...

When we moved here we bought a used washer a dryer that worked pretty good but the dryer only had one heat setting. When we moved into our house we hooked them up and started a load in the dryer and it blew up!! Sparks and everything. I was worried that my clothes were going to be burned but they weren't luckily. Dryer problems are a pain. Spencer ended up comming home with a new one that he got on sale.

We have raccoons here and they go #2 in our window well. It's so gross. I bet that wasn't fun to clean up. Hopefully they didn't leave any #2 for you like they do here.

Kent and Leisy said...

wow!! I can't believe an animal got into your house. and you are MORE than welcome to use our washer and dryer- really. we won't be home till july. The dockters have our key- so really if it gets super bad you can go over! the house is probably lonely.

Melissa said...

Ah, the laundromat...don't miss those days at all.

What I do miss is Ohio! I can't believe you guys in our old stomping grounds!! Wave to BG if you get the chance. We sure miss that place :)

Emilee said...

Oh man! What a week! That's crazy. I'm so sorry about the dryer. She told us everything was in fantastic shape, so I thought we were really passing on a great tip. Sorry!