Thursday, October 7, 2010


Get to Know Chase. Our little 20 month old, red head.

This kid cannot seem to keep his eyes open in the car. The other day we were out looking at garage sales and he fell asleep before it was even 10am (his normal nap time is noon). Thank goodness he transfers well from his carseat to his bed.

He LOVES to make a mess. Anything that can be dumped or spilled, he will do it. Here he is dumping out the salt shaker.

Chase loves this baby-doll stroller. He is constantly climbing into it.

He LOVES to swim. The other day Ken said, "I think I will take the kids swimming today after the girls get home from school." Apparently, Chase heard the word swimming and thought we were going right then cause he immediately went and grabbed his swimsuit and got ready to go. He also loves to squint his eyes when he smiles for pictures.

He is also starting to talk more, although, he does not copy us when we say things. We try to get him to say things but he just smirks and stares at us. The thing I love is that he says "Goodbye Chase" and "Hello Chase" to US (not "bye mom").

He has also learned to jump with both feet. He loves to jump now (not so good when you live in an apartment). He is so much better at actually jumping into the pool instead of belly flopping into it.

Chase loves to go anywhere. If anyone is leaving the apartment Chase wants to go. He will grab his shoes and coat and even start getting shoes for everyone else. If he is left behind (like when Ken leaves for work) he is completely heart broken.

He has to eat anytime someone else eats. For example, the girls get up for breakfast and he eats with them. Then Caden will wake up and eat and Chase eats with him. Then I will finally get the chance to sit down and eat and Chase wants to try some of my food and then Ken will wake up from working the night shift and eat, and guess who feels the need to eat...yep, Chase.


chrisjones said...

Chase, you are CUTE! Love, your totally, completely, unbiased Grandma J

Jorden and Jessica said...

How cute! Krew & Chase are very similar in the sleeping department but the eating is a whole new story!

BensonFam said...

What a cutie (love that red hair and the squinty smile!) Caleb does the same thing at breakfast time. By the time everyone is up and out of the house he is usually on his third breakfast.

Stacy said...

What a cute little boy!