Sunday, June 28, 2015

March 2015

Here are just some random pictures from March.

I went to Kailyn's school to watch her in a class play. (She is the one standing)

Decorating cookies for Family Home Evening treats (trying to use up some Valentine's decorations)

I learned that Hannah loves cooked mushrooms. She will eat them by the bowlful.

Caden thinks this leaf looks like lettuce.

Doing some shopping. Ava always wears the funnest outfits. Hannah loves to help push the shopping cart.

Ava loves to "do" my hair. On this day, Ava got a little too crazy and got this comb stuck in my hair. I tried forever to get it out... no luck. Kailyn tried to get it out... no luck. Ken finally gets home and he tries to get it out... no luck. Ken said he thinks we are going to have to cut my hair (this thing is stuck all the way down to my scalp! I think not). Instead of cutting my hair, we figure out how to cut the comb to make it easier to get out.

Dinosaurs climbing our walls.

Sleeping Hannah.

Kailyn french braided her own hair. 

Jordan was upset one day and went to her room. I went to go and check on her and found her asleep in a box in her closet. Such a silly girl.

Ava's preschool class went to the local nursery to learn about plants.

They even got to plant their own flower.

A Sunday afternoon.

Hannah loves to play outside (well, until the neighbor dog starts barking).

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