Thursday, October 15, 2015

Walker Reunion 2015

We had a big Walker family reunion this year. The reunion was for all of the descendants from Dean and Rebecca Walker. They did a fabulous job planning. There was A LOT of people there, yet it was fun and run so smoothly.

They had a lot of fun water activities for the kids. They had a kiddie pools, a big above ground pool and a inflatable water slide. The kids had a lot of fun playing in the water.

Hannah would catch a nap whenever she could.

Dean and Rebecca Walker. The kids' great grandparents.

Hannah found this chair and quickly claimed it as her own. She would freak out if anyone would sit on or even touch it

We tented it for two nights since we were in a super small town with no hotel. We were so glad Reed/Carissa and family and Russ/Kristie and family were roughing it with us.

Brooklyn with Grandpa Bassett.

Good morning Chase.

Reed telling a great story.

Jordan eating breakfast.

Some of the kids.


chrisjones said...

I like the wading pool idea--I'll have to remember that for next time!

Lynn said...

They really DID do a good job of planning. Thanks, Shelly, for narrating my skit. Saved the day!