Saturday, October 17, 2015

July 2015

Just a photo dump of some pictures taken in July.

No idea why Caden is sticking out his tongue.

The boys had friends over and we went to our community park. This quickly turned into everyone getting soaking wet in the fountain and Ava jealous that she couldn't take off her shirt too.

Ava folded the hand towels. She was so proud of her helpfulness.

I was at the park with the kids having a picnic dinner when suddenly there was a massive downpour. Yes, puddle jumping is one of our kids favorite thing to do.

Hannah had so much fun but she was a bit cold by the end.

Not often they all stop to listen to a story.

Summer is the perfect time to be outside, and its even better when you find a rope to swing on.

Ken and I took the kids for a walk one day. We have had a lot of rain this year and the little stream by our house was really high. On the right of the picture is part of the stream. For whatever reason Hannah thought you could walk on it. She just walked from the wood planks out into the water as if it were ground, never slowing down or hesitating. Good thing I was right next to her and watching her. I quickly grabbed her out, but not before she got soaking wet all the way up to armpits.

Playing on the seesaw.

Jordan and Caden had swim meets in July. Caden doing the backstroke.

I took the kids fishing at a local little pond with our friends, the Davidsons. The kids had fun catching and releasing.

Ava and Hazel

Chase showing off the fish he caught.

Caden's fish.

Ava's fish she caught but wanted nothing to do with, so I hold the pole so I could take a picture of her and her fish.

Another fish for Caden.

Another fish for Chase.

We had a swim meet at our pool. It was freezing! It was rainy and cold. Caden swam but then they ended up canceling the meet because the rain was just too heavy and it was too cold.

Jordan made an olympics for the kids to do. They had so much fun and they even won chocolate necklace trophies (that they had made earlier in the day).

Hannah loves smoothies.

Chase wanted me to take a picture of him being tricky one day when we were at the park.

We were out riding bikes and turned around to see this cute scene.

Hannah has started to give us a cheesy smile when we take her picture.

Hannah enjoying an ice cream cone after a bike ride. Yup, there's that cheesy smile again.

This girl biked on that tiny bike for 6 miles and did a pretty good job keeping up. Her little legs were going a hundred miles an hour trying to pedal fast enough to keep with her big brothers and sisters. It was after this bike ride that I decided she needed those training wheels off. Jordan took them off for her and she took off  with no training wheels without any problems.
Hannah napping.

We saw this picture in a game we have and Ken made a comment to the effect that no one can really do that. Well....

Apparently, we had 2 wait...

...three kids that can do it.

This time both Ava and Hannah feel asleep on the bike ride.

One day when visiting the park, we saw some people crawdad fishing. They offered to let us fish with them. Well, Hannah just played with her stick in the water.

But Ava, Caden...

...and Chase had fun "fishing." They just used some fishing line, a bent paper clip and really cheap hot dogs.

Hannah has started to look at books. So cute.

Road trips are so much better when Hannah sleeps.

Jordan and Caden made some cookie bowls for family home evening treats. We filled them with ice cream. Yum!

Poor Hannah feel asleep while riding on Ken's bike. Her head was bobbing around all over because there is no where to lean it.

Family bike ride.

Ken was watching Hannah while I ran kids to activities. Hannah was sad I had left her and was crying. Ken took a quick shower and got out to find her asleep on the floor of our bedroom.

Kailyn and her friend Katie skating. I took all of our kids roller skating (miss Hannah who was watched by a friend) plus Jordan's friend Anna and Kailyn's friend Katie.


chrisjones said...

What a great peek into Bassett life!

Remember saving Megan at around the same age, walking into Grandma's pool like Hannah did?

Lynn said...

I remember fishing days, and kids on the back of the bike days, and falling asleep anywhere days. Where did it all go? Glad for your reminders of bygone days :)