Tuesday, December 13, 2011

We were a little nervous . . .

So, Kailyn had an assignment to write a "narrative" and a "persuasive" essay for her class in school.  She did a fantastic job!  I don't remember writing like this until I was, well, a lot older.  Anyway, her persuasive essay was titled "We should have longer school."  Her narrative was titled, "Bladder infections."  This is the one that made both Shelly and myself a little nervous.  Click here for more details, but just realize this is what prompted a "birds and the bees" discussion with Kailyn.  Shelly and I read the essays independently and both let out a little gasp of concern when we saw the title "Bladder infections."  Anyway, here are the essays.  I will include any misspellings and grammitcal errors to show how she wrote it.

The Persuasive Essay:
"We should have Longer school"
To: Staff
From: a student

One reason we should have longer school years is that we learn a lot more, we might even know stuff our parents don't!  Example: True fact: How many curls did Shirly Temple have?  56!  See, I did learn something my parents don't know!  We can also learn a lot more stuff like what is lava made of?  Why are our eyes different colors?  Why are more people right handed then left?

Another reason is that we can live a better life because we can cover different topics like what animals are safe?  What aren't?  What things are safe?  What aren't?

The last reason is we can be ready fo college sooner because you can be ready for harder math, harder Science/S.S., and harder everything else.

If you expanded school years everyone meets new friends, learns more, and gets ready for college sooner.

Teacher grade: graded in 5 categories.  3 "excellents," 1 "pass," and 1 "neutral"  She didn't provide an intro paragraph.

The Narrative Essay:
Bladder Infections
By: Kailyn Christine Bassett

Splash!  I had just thrown the fishing string into the river.  I slowly reeled it in.  It just got to dock but it was stuck!  I couldn't pull it up, so I had to call dad.  "Dad" I said.  He came to help me.  We pulled it up together.  On the end was a big . . . clump of seaweed?  Dad and I laughed and laughed!

Suddenly I stopped laughing and handed the pole to him.  I said "I have to go the bathroom" O.K. dad said.

When I came back I relized  I had to go again and again in fact it seemed like every 20 seconds.

We hadn't caught anything but we had fun so we went back to the car.  We were camping so we went to the cabin.  Dad to a comefort staition (3-5 drops of blood) and I told mom about the blood and I didn't have to go untill after about 20 minutes!  So after about 20 minutes I went again and went again at 11:30 P.M.!  That was sure was an exiting day!

By: Kailyn Christine Bassett

Teacher grade: 3 "excellents," 2 "pass."  Comments:  Very creative lead!  I'm wondering about the end.  There were drops of blood--were you okay?

Anyway, cute in its own way.  Good job, Kailyn!


chrisjones said...
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chrisjones said...

I'm looking forward to the essay about the little discussion she had with Megan when we visited :P