Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Kailyn had a music concert. The concert was about a bunch of squirrels and nuts.  The concert was very cute and funny.  Kailyn did great on her speaking part.  She even did the part of a classmate who was gone. The songs were very catchy and all of my kids have been singing the songs all week. (Sorry the pictures aren't great.  Ken was working so I was dealing with a fussy baby and trying to take pictures.)

Kailyn singing (she is in the front row, middle)

Kailyn saying her speaking part (at the microphone on the right)

 Our cute little nut.

Quick story. Kailyn and Jordan ride the bus to school.  Apparently, they are well liked by their bus driver (an older gentlemen that made a perfect Santa at Christmas time).  He calls them giggle boxes. Kailyn, I guess, had invited her bus driver to the concert.  I didn't even know she had invited him until he came over to tell Kailyn she had done a great job. He is a very nice man.  He said that I have some great girls (I would have to agree).  He said that they always say good morning to him and always say good-bye. I will forever be thankful to him because he went out of his way to make it so that he could pick up the girls right at our doorstep when we moved.  Their assigned bus stop was 3 blocks away and across a semi-major road that had no crosswalk (not something they could do on their own and the weather was not something I would want to take a newborn out in)


Stacy said...

what a cute little nut! I am glad she did well at her concert. and what a nice bus driver!

chrisjones said...

Kailyn, you are my favorite nut!

Jorden and Jessica said...

How cute! I bet Kailyn did an awesome job! What a nice bus driver! Not many would take time to go to the children's concerts or drive those extra few blocks! Isn't it nice to hear you have such polite girls!