Monday, March 28, 2011

It's so hard to say good-bye

Grandma was able to come and visit and help us out. She came at a great time. We had to get the house ready to go on the market and I felt like I was making progress SO slowly. Between trying to take care of Ava and little kids that undid all of my work, I was going nowhere. Did Grandma help? Let's just say, the bathrooms are all sparkling, the dishes are done (many, many times over), the kitchen floor is clean, and I have 8 plus dinners in my freezer.

All of the kids loved having Grandma here, even Ava. Yes, she gave Grandma lots of smile. I was even holding her at church and she turns, looks at Grandma and immediately starts smiling at her. Did she smile at me? NO! Ava, why do you smile at everyone but mommy? What does a girl have to do to get a smile?

The only negative about Grandma being here--it makes me miss my family so much! 

I came home from dropping Grandma off at the airport, came in the house and shut the garage door. Chase came running and said, "Oh, no. Gran-ma. Gran-ma."  He tried to open the door and then tried to get me to open it. He thought I had shut the door on Grandma. I told Chase that Grandma went home. He immediately started crying and kept saying Grandma. Yes, we will all miss Grandma.


Stacy said...

Yeah for Grandma's that come to help and give us a break!! But that little Ava is a stinker!

Lisa said...

What a cute family picture! Aren't mothers wonderful; my mom left Sunday! So glad she was able to be there to help out. Also love the picture of Ava sleeping while Ken is playing piano. Very sweet! That (ken playing) will be a treasure to your children as they grow older! I know it is for me when I hear my dad.

chrisjones said...

My visit was so fun for me. I hope it was for all of you, too. Chase! Thanks for looking ou for me! Shelly, just do what I do to make Ava smile and whisper in her ear that you've got some chocolate for her as soon as she gets some teeth....