Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Our Own TV Celebrity

Kailyn was a local celebrity at her grade school today. Apparently the Toledo Public School District held a competition for the most number of books a class could read in a 7-week period. The competition was for all grades. Kailyn's first grade class won the competition (the class that read the most books overall). Kailyn's role? She read more books than any other first grader in all of Toledo and was reportedly one of the very top readers of all grades. In that 7-week period, Kailyn read 236 books (those are just the "chapter" books. We didn't write down any of the "picture" books [eg, Dora, Barbie, etc] that she read during that time. We had no idea there was a contest going on). BTW, TPS has approximately 35,000 students (K-12, data from 2002-2003).

As a prize, the superintendent of TPS rewarded the class with a pizza party. Kailyn won a $25 gift card to Barnes and Nobles and was interviewed by 2 TV stations! She was a natural in front of the TV crew and proudly displayed her adorable dimple. All day, other students at the school approached her and told her they were proud of her. She even got to ride on the inflatable slide outside of the school for free, since the person running the slide recognized her as the TV star. BTW, I have no idea why there was an inflatable slide outside of her school today.

Here are some pictures of the event:

Showing off her certificate and her gift card

The Interview

Enjoying the Pizza


Jill Lau said...

WOW! Great job Kailyn!

Stacy said...

Way to go Kailyn!! Keep on reading!

chrisjones said...

Wow, Kailyn, you make Grandma so proud!!!!

Susan said...

That is so GREAT!! Awesome job Kailyn!

Angie said...

Way to go Kailyn!

Judy said...

That's like 4 or 5 books a day! Kailyn, do you eat or sleep??? You are amazing! I'm jealous! I wish I could read that much!

Emilee said...

236 chapter books? In 49 days! That's amazing. Good work, Kailyn.

Cynthia said...

Wow! God job Kailyn. I actually was talking to the PTA president at your school and mentioned I knew someone that went there. I told her Kailyn's name and she asked if she was the one that was on the news today. So, yes, she is famous!

Brenda said...

Wow great job Kailyn! We are so proud of you! Aunt Brenda Loves to read also and I love hearing that you love it so much also! hope you recorded the interview!

The Bassetts said...

Nice Work Kailyn! That is great that you love to read. Keep up the good work.
Aunt Carissa

McKay and Ashley Pearson said...

Kailyn! That's awesome! McKay and I are so proud to be your uncle and aunt!

Adam Jensen said...

Way to go Kailyn!! you must be sooo proud :)

brittani c. said...

Good for her! She reminds me a lot of what I was like when I was her fact, I'm pretty sure I destroyed my eyesight because of it. I can't believe she doesn't have to wear glasses by now. Lucky duck!

Renae said...

That's awesome!! That girl is going places, and her dimple is so cute.

Jorden and Jessica said...

Wow that is really amazing! I'm with Grandma...You make me so proud! Keep up the hard work!