Sunday, March 21, 2010

Back to Life

I'm feeling good today. We got the front and back of the house painted this week and the house is officially on the market. We even had a person that wanted to look at it but had to cancel because of a sick kid.

Saturday we went to the library. Wow, it was a great feeling! Yes, it's a little thing but huge for us. It has been forever since I have been out of the house. It is nice to be back.

I am very excited to see my friends for more than the minute it takes to drop off and pick up my kids. I have the most amazing friends. It has been so humbling. People have gone out of their way to help these last few weeks. Not only taking my kids but even providing a meal. Thank you SOOOOOO much to everyone. I really could never thank you all enough.

I am most excited to be a mom again. My poor kids have suffered the most through this whole thing. They have been troopers through it all.

So here are the before and after of the exterior of our house.


We had a major peeling problem.

Here is part of the house scraped. Painting was very time consuming because of trying to get up to the second level of the house and maneuvering around windows, columns, and bushes. I was often painting on ladders that were almost completely vertical.



The Ziemers said...

Looks Good!

chrisjones said...

Wow! Really big WOW!

Liora said...

It looks so great Shelly! YAY! You did it!!

Lisa said...

Looks great! What an improvement! I bet you can breathe out a BIG sigh of for the sale right!!!????!!!

Renae said...

Your house looks great!! Maybe the YM could help scrape the paint off the sides as a service project? I'm glad you're back too. I can help with whatever this week too.

Wade, Jenny, and Girls said...

Just looking at your blog lately makes me tired!! I don't know how you do it! It looks great! I'm glad you have some time to play now!

Delaps said...

I am glad that you posted teh before and after pictures. What a difference! Your house looked great when I drove up this morning for preschool. It will be good to have you back again.

Adam Jensen said...

it looks great!!! Enjoy :)