Friday, April 9, 2010


So, during my crazy few months some things had to be put on the back burner. One of those things was blogging. So, I thought I would do several smaller posts to catch up. Be patient with me, it might take me a little bit to catch up.

I will start with our youngest, Chase. I have to be honest--I find this kid to be irresistibly cute. He is one of our better babies at entertaining himself. He loves his dad, which is not the normal for our kids. If he had a choice, he would go to mom but he is our only baby that gets excited when Dad comes home and actually goes running to Dad. He loves sweets and seems to be able to sniff out sweets from a mile away.

Yes, I even think he is cute when he is crying. He can throw quite a fit (really it is throwing himself on the floor kicking his legs and crying--I'm not kidding). If he is like this now, how will the 'terrible twos' be?

Chase has discovered our fireplace (we have never used it). He loves to climb in it and we recently found a stash of toys hidden in it (a couple balls, a couple toy cars, Jordan's play hamster, etc).

He can be so much fun at dinner time. He loves to clap when he does something and loves it even more when we all clap for him.
He also loves to throw food off of the side of his highchair when he is done eating. I have started to just put the garbage can next to him (he always throws off the left side of his tray) because I can't always stop him quick enough when I have 3 other kids I am trying to help.
He also uses his left hand for most things. We're not sure if this means he will be left-handed, but we might just have a red-headed left-handed wonder on our hands.

Chase has become a very picky eater. Sometimes he refuses to even try things. When he doesn't want to try something he closes his eyes and opens his mouth. If we try to put food in his mouth at this point he will promptly turn his head and spit it out.

One day Chase found some paint trays I had left out to dry. He decided to try and eat the paint. I was glad we had hardwood floors cause it easily cleaned up with a wet rag...his clothes on the other hand were trash.

"Ok mom, this stuff tastes gross. Stop taking pictures and clean me up."

Monkey see, monkey do.

Yes, I think this kid is cute.

Chase loves tissues. We considered getting him a box of tissues for his birthday. Whenever he sees a box of tissues, he grabs them one at a time and pulls out as many as he can.

Chase now signs 'more.' When he really wants something he will tap you until you look at him then he will sign what he wants (normally he wants something to eat) and if he is really desperate he will start tapping himself.

He is also a big eater. He can really pack it away. We recently went to a place where the waiter informed us that kids his age eat free because as he said "they don't really eat anything anyways." Well, he ate a bowl of oatmeal, yogurt, half a banana, a peach, couple pieces of pineapple and watermelon, and a scrambled egg. Of course, as soon as we were done and left the eating area, he signed "eat" and "more" and wanted some crackers. I really don't know how he fits it all in his little tummy.

He also has a knack of slamming his own fingers in cupboards. He is constantly getting into the cereal cupboard and pulling out cereal that he wants to eat.

He also "counts" when we do things with him, like tossing a ball back and forth, jumping, or anything else we do "one, two, three" for.


Renae said...

Chase is a cutie! I loved having him over. Did he swallow the paint or just try to? Those are Kodak moments for sure!

Lindsay said...

Oh, my gosh, the inside of his mouth is white. haha. So glad you took a picture. And the fireplace - Willa tries to get in ours also. But ours is soooo dirty inside so I blocked it off.

Stacy said...

I can't believe he ate the paint! The things kiddos try! I am glad that you got pics of it. and who doesn't like the fireplace, a built in "hut" right?

The Bassetts said...

When Alan was this age he used his left hand for most fine motor things (eating, coloring ect)and he is still left handed. Maybe Chase will be the same. Chase is sure a cutie! Yea for him using signs, I think I am going to start trying that with Conner, my wordless wonder.