Sunday, October 4, 2009

General Conference Weekend

This weekend was General Conference. I love conference not only for the break it gives me from my Sunday calling, but more importantly I LOVE hearing the prophet and apostles speak. We normally only make the kids listen to the Sunday seasons, although I do listen to the Saturday ones. The kids actually love conference. We try and make conference special. We have a couple of quiet toys that can only come out for General Conference and this year I also printed out a little activity packet for the kids. I loved the packet it helped them to listen and get to know the faces of the apostles. The kids also played Bingo where they filled their paper with M&Ms and when they heard the word on the square they got to eat the M&M on that square.
Normally the kids sit on a blanket on the floor but this year we had Chase to worry about, so we used a folding table instead. I think the table worked great cause then they had a hard surface to color and write on.

I think Caden got tired of waiting for the words to be said, because he started sucking the shell off of the M&Ms and then putting them back on his paper.

After the first session we had some quiet time. Caden went down for a nap and Jordan and Kailyn went to the playroom. This is what I discovered when I went to get them. If only I had a before picture. They had completely picked up and organized the playroom. I was shocked. They did such a good job and all on their own! They must have been listening to the prophet who spoke on service. I love my girls!

1 comment:

Susan said...

We used that same bingo sheet... things like that definitely make it more fun!!