Monday, October 19, 2009

Chase: Well Child Check

Chase had his 9 month well child check. He passed with flying colors when it comes to developmental milestones. He can sit by himself, eat finger food, eat mashed up table food, roll over, pass toy from one hand to another, pull self to stand, walk with assistance, make baby babble, respond to name, etc. We saw a medical student before the doctor came in. He kept commenting on the amount of drool Chase has. Yes, he is a drooler but that is way better than spit up, which has gotten so much better in the last month.

Here are his stats:
weight: 18 lbs 10 oz (25th percentile)
length: 28 inches (50th percentile)
head circumference: 50th precentile

He failed horrible when it comes to sleep. Chase is a horrible sleeper. He wakes up at least 2 times a night and normally more and at least one of those wakings involves crying for 1 to 2 hours! Even naps are bad. He will often wake up crying and quite upset. I just don't know what to do with him. I have tried everything. Seriously, everything. He just gets so upset and nothing soothes him. The doctor suggested upping his reflux medicine to see if that helps. I sure hope so cause I just dread bedtime cause I know it means a long restless night.

Some other things about Chase:
-Wants to eat whatever we are eating, even if he has already eaten
-Hates his car seat. He always throws a fit when you try to strap him in but once in the car he normally calms down
-Hates getting his diaper change. He will cry and try to roll away.
-Loves to play peek-a-boo
-loves to swing
-loves to push the stool around the kitchen
-Loves to put everything in is mouth. He has only choked on something once. He is like a little squirrel. He just takes all the little things he finds and stores them in his cheeks.
-Loves to be held
-Loves to dig in the trash if it is accessible
-Doesn't give any clues of being tired. He will crawl around all happy and suddenly he will break down crying and is obviously overly tired. He shows he is tired by burying his face in my shoulder, crying, trying to climb up the front of me like I a rock wall and claws at my face. Not sure why his does this.
-Decided about a month ago that he didn't like his pacifier anymore. Really he is my only kid that I actually wished he liked and used a pacifier. I would love to be able to pop one into his mouth in the middle of the night.
-I love his laugh. I just can't get enough of it.
-LOVES taking baths!

Here is a picture of Chase at the zoo. You can see his first and only tooth on the bottom. He got his first tooth at 8 months old.

1 comment:

Lynn said...

Love you, Chase.
Grandma B