Thursday, January 10, 2008

Funny Kids

Eating a hamburger that has sesame seeds on it. "If I eat the seeds (the sesame seeds) will I grow a big hamburger in my tummy?"

Riding in the car listening to a CD
Jordan: "What is the name of these songs."
Me: "Wee sing in the car"
Jordan: "But not papa cause he's at work"

Can see a bag of marshmallows in a drawer and is trying desperately to get my attention so he can get some (I am working on dinner). He loves marshmallows! Desperate, he stops, looks at me, raises his hand and says "Me!" (Ken has been asking the kids lately who wants ____ and of course the girls raise their hands and say me). It was so cute. I gave him one for his creativity and cuteness.


Jonathan & Rachel said...

So cute! I love Caden' sweet!!

Stacy said...

That is so cute and funny of your kiddos!