Friday, January 25, 2008

OK its cold

This morning I was in charge of the carpool for Kailyn's preschool. I got the kids dressed and we headed out the door. I started the van (which resisted and I thought wasn't going to start) and told the girls to get in and get buckled. In the meantime, I moved Ken's car which was parked behind the van. When I started heading back to the van I could hear crying. All three kids were crying. Every one's hands were so cold, including mine. They hurt so bad. The poor kids cried for 15 minutes straight (until the van warmed up). I felt so bad. I normally start the van and warm it up if I know it is going to be cold but I didn't realize it would be so cold this morning. It must have been humid or something cause the cold just ate into you. I honestly wasn't too impressed with the winters here until today. Everyone has told me how cold it gets here but so far it had been nothing compared to the windy winters in Montana that I grew up with.


Stacy said...

oh my! I don't know if I could handle that. I am a wimp when it comes to the cold! But the poor kiddos. it just breaks my heart!

Lynn said...

Cute picture of the Caden and Jordan on well child day. The zoo looked fun, too, and enjoyed Kailyn's friendly picture.

So, exactly how cold has it been? (Or even approximately). I wasn't sure we were going to get any cold weather this winter, but Sunday it was 49 and Monday it was -19. Today (Thursday) it was back up to 46. Hoping for no more 20 below stuff.