Saturday, February 25, 2017

New Year's 2016

This year we celebrated New Year's at the Eddington's house.

My amazing girls!

Austin, Ken, and Andrew showing off the shirts they got from Ken's parents.

Jordan holding Hannah.

We spent part of the night playing at the church.

Our family spent the next day at the aquarium.






They had mermaids that swam in one of the tanks. The kids all thought is was pretty cool, but Ava was especially excited. She kept telling me, "see mermaids are really!" There was no convincing her otherwise.

Hannah and Jordan

Ava and Chase


This just sealed Ava's belief in mermaids. "Mom mermaids are real! Remember I even touched one."

Hannah, Ava, Caden, and a corner of Chase

1 comment:

chrisjones said...

Of course mermaids are really! It's Santa I worry about....