Friday, October 26, 2012

The Move and Kailyn's Birthday

Moving is exhausting. Ken and I loaded up two pull-behind trailers with all of our necessary belongings. Our kids were being watched by the Stevens, and Ava had fallen asleep. Ava has not been a good traveler so we decided to send Ken on his way with the 3 youngest while I stayed behind with the girls and finished loading the last trailer and cleaning the house. I hate the last-minute packing and getting all of that last-minute stuff gathered up.  We have moved several times, but this time was the worst with all of that last-minute stuff. I think it was a combination of the sudden move and having 5 kids.  It took longer than expected; but doesn't it always? By the end I was just throwing everything away or piling it into boxes. I was so glad to be done and on the road.
Chase, Ava, and Caden making a dinner stop with Dad.

Poor Chase was so tired.

He must be really tired to sleep all bent up like this.
What a way to spend your birthday--on the road and moving.
Kailyn outside our hotel in front of the moving trailer ready for her first day of church in our new ward.

Thank you to Aunt Brenda and family who saved Kailyn's special day.  We went to see them after church (since they only live an hour and a half away now! Yippee!).

Birthday presents. (Magic eight ball and Kerplunk from brothers and sisters)
A little about Kailyn (I some how forgot to do this on her birthday so I actually asked the questions 6 months later)

Favorite color? blue
Favorite food? pot roast, German pancakes, Mac and Cheese, pancakes
What do you want to be when you grow up? an artist or photographer
Favorite thing to do? read
Who are your friends? Jenessa is always my friend, Avery, Gracie, Amanda (answered like it was August)
What is your favorite toy? books
Favorite Story/Book? my favorite genre is mystery and adventure
Where do you want to live when you get big? Utah or Arizona
How many kids are you going to have? 5 seems like a reasonable sum
Favorite song? Find the Power
Favorite movie? The Little Princess
What makes you happy? lots of stuff, my family my friends
What makes you sad? when someone isn't righteous
How do you know mom and dad love you? everything they do


chrisjones said...

Moving is no fun--hopefully you're almost done moving forever!

Kailyn, it's hard to believe you're already 9!

McKay and Ashley Pearson said...

I hate moving! And we only have 3 of us to worry about. I can't imagine doing it with 5 kids! And yes it does take way longer then you think it's going to. Happy Birthday Kailyn! We love you : )