Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Misc August Pics

These boys crack me up. I don't know how or why they fell asleep in this position.
Chase loves Ava. He insists on sitting next to her every time we eat. And when I say next to her, I mean their chairs have to be touching.
He loves her so much he even shares his brownie with her.
Dinner time at the Basset home....
Ava loves Kabobs. She already ate all of the pineapple off.

Caden got some candy from church and shared it with Chase. Chase was so excited until he learned what a mega sour ball was...

Caden wasn't phased by it.
Chase kept touching Caden's cheek.
Ava enjoying a morning bowl of cereal.

I had this big bag of sugar in the mudroom. Unfortunately, Ava found it. She thought it was pretty good stuff and dug right in.

Ava loves the fan.

I often find Caden asleep looking at a book or laying on one.
Ava loves trying on a jacket.
Caden came down at 9am to tell me Ava was asleep. Asleep?!? at this hour (She normally naps around 12). Sure enough I went to the kitchen and this is how I found her. 


Judy said...

I'm so impressed that you have a child who will voluntarily share his brownie with a sibling. I STILL won't do that.

chrisjones said...

It's true-Judy never shares her brownies with me. We did share a lot of gelato this summer though, so I can't complain too much.

Cute pictures of the ever adorable Bassetts. I had to stop and laugh several times.

Judy said...

Chris, I WILL share a PAN of brownies. Let's plan a get-together.