Saturday, February 26, 2011

Snow Day

A few weeks ago school was canceled for the girls due to extreme cold (-34 F with windchill).  Here is what they did to stay busy.

Jordan organized a tea party.

Jordan let Kailyn use her weaving loom to weave a hot pad.


Stacy said...

You are lucky that school gets cancelled! They don't cancel school here for nothing.

BensonFam said...

-34?!?! Are you KIDDING me - that is incredible - STAY WARM you guys!

the landreths said...

Oh my goodness, Shelly, i've been so out of blogging i didn't even know you had your baby! She is so sweet and tiny. How are you doing? I hope everything is going well. I read your labor story--ugh.
I'm so happy for you guys. Congratulations!