Sunday, February 13, 2011

Chase Turns 2

A nice quiet family party for Chase's 2nd birthday.

I thought it would be nice to get a picture of all 4 kiddos.  Now I know why I don't have many pictures of all of them together.  (It didn't help that my good camera was out of commission.)

We either have faces being covered up....

someone (or ones) not looking at the camera...

 or silly faces.

I love how our kids get so excited...even when its not their birthday.

Chase loves his matchbox cars from Grandma and Grandpa Bassett.  They are the perfect size to carry around in his little hands.

Chase would rip off little pieces and would insist on handing them to Ken.

Chase's birthday treats, brownies with a train on top.  He loves trains.

I love this kid.  He makes me laugh out loud.

Here he is teasing Jordan.  He loves to get people to interact with him.

A little about our 2 year old.

About a month ago Chase's language really took off.  We went from him being very stubborn about talking (he refused to copy anything we said and really just didn't speak) to now stringing words together and copying everything we say.  One thing that he does that makes me laugh every time he does it, is when he refers to others by Chase.  We will say "Bye Chase" and instead of saying, "Bye Mom," he replies, "Bye Chase."

He likes things in their place.  He is great about putting things away.  We have to be careful, though, because sometimes he throws things away that he thinks are garbage.  If I am missing something, I always check the trash.

He loves to take baths.  He will try to get into the tub any time someone is in there.  He will even strip down and try to get me to give him a bath.  After bathtime, we have to change his diaper like 4 times an hour--he won't stop drinking the bath water (gross!!).

He has definitely hit the terrible twos and gets frustrated when I don't understand him or when I tell him he can't have something.  He seems to be horrible in the morning and after his nap.  It makes me crazy sometimes, especially in the morning when I am trying to get the girls out the door.

When he's frustrated, he will push his plate of food or his drink away, usually resulting in quite a mess.   Other than these moments he is a happy kid!  He loves to laugh and loves to play and interact with his brother, sisters, mom and dad.  He likes his dad more than any of our other kids did at this age (it probably helps that Ken is around more).  He loves to go up to Ken and step on his foot, throw a balloon at him, tap his leg, etc and then he gets this smirk on his face as he waits for Ken's reaction.

He has always been very patient with Caden.  Caden loves to be hands on, and he is often squeezing Chase's hands.  Caden often smoothers him with hugs and kisses; Chase takes it more than most would.  Chase is also willing to trade toys with Caden (as long as Caden asks first and doesn't just take it).  I also love how Chase copies everything Caden does, even when he has no idea what Caden is doing.

I truly love my little guy and am so glad he is part of our family.  A day doesn't go by that he doesn't make me laugh.


The Bassetts said...

I love the pictures of your 4 kids - we struggle to get all of ours in a picture and we only have 3. Chase is such a cutie! Happy Birthday Chase!

chrisjones said...

It's hard to believe Chase is already 2! What a handsome boy!

Judy said...

Such a beautiful family! I especially love Kailyn's and Jordan's gap-toothed smiles.

Lisa said...

Cute. I love the stories! Wow, two birthday's in one month!

Jorden and Jessica said...

Shelly, you have the cutest kids! I love the pictures of all of them together. Happy Birthday Chase!

Angie said...

I love the way you write about your kids. You really capture their personalities. Happy Birthday Chase!

McKay and Ashley Pearson said...

Happy Birthday Chase! We love you! He is looking so big. He makes me want to have a boy!