Here is a picture that Kailyn drew back in the summer. We were sitting in church and she asked me to write, "Daddy, someday will you go to church with us?" on her picture. If you can't tell from this picture the first year of residency was rough. Ken rarely got to go to church with us.
Kailyn brought this home from school this week. The bottom says, "I take care of my mom when she is sick." She really does try to help. The first night the kids were home, Ken had to work. I still wasn't feeling very well. When it was time for bed, I told the kids to head upstairs and get their PJs on, and I would be up in a minute. Kailyn turned to me, "Don't worry, Mommy, we'll get Caden's pajamas on for you." When I finally made it upstairs, Kailyn came out of the room and told me they had started to put Caden's pajamas on and even started to change his diaper, but Kailyn said she quit once she realized it was poopy. "But don't worry," says Kailyn. "Jordan's changing him." I walked into the room to see Caden calmly laying on the floor with Jordan trying to change his diaper...with a huge pile of used wipes laying in the diaper next to her. I really do have sweet kids.
Well it is the thought that counts right? I can totally see Chloe ditching the poopy diaper and Emma trying to change ally. What goofy kiddos!
Glad to hear your feeling better Shelley. Cute family pic at the top. Make sure you get plenty of rest:) As much as you can with 3 little ones. BTW-We are mailing out Christmas cards so I need your mailing address:)
Dosen't it just melt your heart when they try so hard to help you. Especially when they do it because you aren't feeling well. Kyla sometimes does that for me and I love it, even if it dosen't always turn out great. Your kids are darling!
That is so cute! She stopped changing his diaper when she saw it was poopy . . . but it's okay Jordan is doing it. how funny! Sweet little kids you have! Jordan is a trooper!!
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