Tuesday, February 15, 2011


Our Baby Girl Was Born!

Ava Lorrene
6 lbs 2 oz
19 inches long

(The following to document for Ava but you are welcome to read or just skip to the pictures.)

Our little girl decided to make a surprise visit on February 14--almost 3 weeks early.  I had been having more contractions over the weekend but nothing that would make me think she would be coming within the next couple of days.  We were totally taken by surprise.

I went to bed Sunday night but couldn't fall asleep because I started having contractions.  I laid there for about an hour and decided to get up and see if that made a difference.  I continued to have contractions.  I then started to freak out because of all of things I needed to get done.  One of the things I was worried about was the Valentine's Day party I was in charge of for Kailyn's class.  I hadn't made frosting for the cookies they were supposed to decorate, so I started on that (OK, I know this sounds crazy to be making frosting at 2 am, but really, it's not like I could sleep).  At this point Ken came downstairs.  He said, "I have 2 questions. 1. Are you in ..."  Before he could finish I said, "Ken, I think I am in labor."  (the second questions was going to be 'Are you crazy?  It's 2 in the morning.  What are you still doing up?).  We then started timing the contractions and getting some things done around the house (frantically cleaning, expecting that we would be calling someone in to watch our kids.  How embarrassing if they came to watch our kids in a semi-messy house).  The contractions continued and we decided to sit down.  After sitting on the couch for awhile they died down to 10-15 minutes apart and less intense.  We decided to go try and get some sleep.  As soon as I laid down, the contractions returned to only a couple of minutes apart.  We tried to figure out to do with the kids, and Ken tried to call some people but couldn't get a hold of anyone (it was 4 in the morning--weird that no one answers their phones at 4 am).  We decided I would go ahead to the hospital, and he would come as soon as he could.  (I was afraid of missing an epidural. My doctor had suggested I try getting it earlier to see if it helped since I have not had good luck in the past.)

I got to the hospital and checked in.  Then the aniethesiogolist came in. He just happened to be someone from church.  He started, "Hey, guys, how are you?  Uhh, where's Ken?"  After hearing the story, he immediately called his wife and told her to get over to our house and take over.  

The epidural started out perfect!  I got perfect relief, in the beginning.  All the nurses who checked in on me saw the contractions on the monitor and said, "You don't feel those?  And you can still move your legs? (It was light enough that I could still move my legs).  You must have the perfect epidural!"  Unfortunately, the contractions slowed, so they started me on pitocin.  As the contractions started up again, my epidural was not as effective against the contractions and eventually didn't seem to be working at all anymore.  A second anesthesiologist came in and gave me a large dose of the epidural medication, but it didn't make any changes AT ALL.  The pain made it my most challenging birth.  Not only did I get the pain from contractions, but I was getting the worst back pains and horrible pains shooting down my legs.  It was unbearable.  Then the OB physician discovered that Ava was facing the wrong way and told me to lay on my side.  She then said she would be right back to try and flip her.  Somehow in the next 10 minutes Ava completed her turn, and suddenly it was time to push.  When it came time to push, I honestly did not think I could do it.  I was SO exhausted (zero sleep the night before), and I was in so much pain that the thought of trying to push was too much.  Luckily, I had this amazing nurse come in.  I truly don't think I could have done it without her.  She helped me get ready to push, helped me focus and told me exactly what to do (which is good since it was hard to focus when I was in so much pain).  After 3 rounds of pushing (11 minutes total), Ava was born at 13:29.  When it was all over, the nurse peeled off the tape on my back and pulled out my epidural.  She noted that the epidural had fallen out almost all the way--perhaps from my constant shifting in bed or an accidental tug.  Anyway, it now makes sense why the epidural worked so splendidly in the beginning but not so well in the end, even with the extra large dose towards the end, which didn't do a thing.  

Ava came out with her cord wrapped once around her neck (she was a little purple but nothing serious).  She has a head of dark hair like all of our others (I'll have to get some pictures).


chrisjones said...

She is adorable! She looks like she will fit right in.

Shelly, I had to laugh as I read your description of mixing frosting and feeling the need to straighten your house. Pretty typical, you silly girl!

Can't wait to visit your newest little sweetheart!

Judy said...

You are AMAZING, Shelly. I can't believe you can have a baby three weeks early and write a post like this the next day! I love that first picture of her with her arm extended. It's as if she is saying, "Ah! I finally get to stretch!" She is beautiful--and so are you!

ElderP said...

Congrats, I am glad everything went ok. She looks beautiful.

BensonFam said...

Oh she is GORGEOUS - congratulations!

Adam Jensen said...

What a beautiful baby :) Congrats!!!

Jill Lau said...

Contratulations you guys! I am so sorry about your experience....it sounds awful. But your baby is beautiful and I love her name. Sure wish we could see you and baby. I hope you are doing well!!

Jill Lau said...

Oh and it doesn't surprise me that you were worried about the frosting and did it while having contractions. You are just amazing!!

Susan said...

So exciting that she came early! A valentines baby! Ava is such a sweet name. Congratulations!

Lisa said...

Wow! Congrats! We are so happy for you and that Ava arrived safely! We'll look forward to many more pictures along the way!

Angie said...

Congratulations! She is beautiful. Best wishes for your recovery!

McKay and Ashley Pearson said...

You are amazing shelly! She is goreous and so are you. I hope my epidural works. Can't wait to meet her

Cynthia said...

Congrats Ken and Shelly!!
What a crazy labor story...bummer about your epidrual!

Jorden and Jessica said...

I laughed I out when you said Ken came down and asked 2 questions. How funny! BTW You are superwoman! Making frosting and cleaning house at 2am, while having contractions?!! Wow! & look how good you look! I love the name Ava, she is so beautiful! Congrats! I can't wait to see her in person!

The Bassetts said...

Congratulations! We are so excited for your family. She looks so little and cute. We can't wait to meet her. I wish we lived inthe same city - I would have been happy to come over at 4 am and watch your kids. Shelly, I'm sorry to hear about your epidural, I hope you have a speedy recovery.
Carissa and Reed

Brenda said...

Wow Congrats! She is very cute! I love the picture of Ken, Shelly and Ava. Special moments!

Julie Sacks said...

Contests shelly and ken! Jill told me today that you had little Ava and I could not believe it! I thought for sure you were due after me...little did I know she came early! She is adorable and totally looks like a Bassett kid! One more week for me and I'll be back to 2 am feedings like I'm sure you are doing now!

Lisa said...

Okay. This morning when I got up I saw the pictures but was so tired that I hadn't read the post to go with it until tonight! Crazy how your epidural didn't work. I had a similar experience with Sterling a few weeks ago....talk about excruciating! I am glad that everything worked out for you and I'm glad that the anesthesiologist was someone you knew from church and was able to have his wife come over. How nice! She definitely looks like she belongs in the Bassett family!

The Blaine gang said...

Congratulations on another adorable baby! Lucky Ava to be a Bassett. Shelly, you look way too cute pregnant, not fair!!