Friday, April 9, 2010


I can't believe how big Kailyn is getting. I think this move is going to be hard on her. One day after school Kailyn told me that at recess she had hid behind the garbage can and cried. I asked her why she was crying. She told me it was because she was sad because she was leaving all of her friends.

She reminds me so much of Ken. She is Ken in so many ways. We told her we're going to start calling her "Kenjr" for Ken, Jr. She likes the same types of food, she hates being told what to do but is much more willing if she has warning that she needs to do something, and she even has a very similar walk. The major difference is that Kailyn loves to talk, probably because she is a girl.

Kailyn continues to LOVE to read. I think she would rather read than do almost anything else. We have to make sure she actually goes to bed at night cause will stay up reading until very late at night. Her class is keeping track of how many books the kids have read. Kailyn leads the class at reading somewhere over 500 books (closer to 600) in the past 4-5 months. The books she reads are "chapter books" with an average of 60-70 pages (The Magic Treehouse series, Rainbow Magic series, and The Bailey School Kids series.) She is excited to start the Illustrated Classics series (Peter Pan, Tom Sawyer, etc).

Kailyn loves being a big sister. She loves being the one to show her brothers and sister how to do things that she has already learned.

I love that Kailyn can read and that she loves to read. Her brother and sister love when she reads to them.
She is a very loving person and loves everyone. Especially if she knows someone is related to her, she is so open to them. She is also very affectionate. She loves to tell secrets like "Dad, don't tell Mom, but I LOVE LOVE LOVE you VERY VERY Much." Then she gives a sweet hug and kiss and goes to her Mom to tell her the same thing. She says that she and her teacher often get in "fights" about who loves whom more.

She has the memory of an elephant. She remembers things that I had forgotten about. Like we recently got a flat and she said "Remember when I was like 3 mom and we got a flat on our other van. We had to take it to a place in Montana to get it fixed." I'm not sure she was 3 but she was young and we did get a flat. I'm amazed at the memories she pulls.


Stacy said...

How old is she?! Ready to babysit right? That is just awesome that she love to read so much! What a cute girl!

The Bassetts said...

I can't believe how big all of your kids are getting! I hope we can see you some time this summer. It was so fun to read about each of your kids, it helps me feel like we are not so far apart.