Saturday, January 23, 2010

Look Who's One!!

Chase turned one. Here is a little about him...
Has 6 teeth.
Is walking all over the place. Loves to walk just cause he can.
Likes his daddy more than the other kids at this age. If mom won't help him then he will go and find dad (if he is around).
Uses the sign drink anytime he wants a drink or wants something to eat.
Speaking of eating he is a big eater. Bottomless pit.
He loves crackers.
Can also sign down.
LOVES the stairs. He will go up them, just cause he can.
Loves to be around his brother and sisters.
Loves digging in the trash anytime he has the opportunity.
Likes to chew on mom's clothes when he is upset. Not so good now that he has teeth.
Walks around mom holding onto her legs when he wants up.
When he is done eating or drinking he throws his food/cup on the floor.
Finally sleeping through the night on a regular bases! Combination of teeth in and walking (being upright more during the day helps with his heartburn). He is also down to one nap a day.
Loves books that involve feeling things.
Likes to play in water.
Loves to take his blue ball (pictured in his hand below) and throw it across the kitchen. Walk and go get it and then throw it back the other way.

His cake was suppose to look like his blue ball (Seen in the upper right corner of the picture). It has a light in it that flashes when it is thrown.

Who cares about blowing out candles...Chase just digs in.

Chase loved his ice cream and cake. He actually stayed pretty clean and didn't seem too phased by the coldness of the ice cream. He is upset in this picture because he thought mom was taking away his treat.

I think he liked it!

Opening a present from Grandma and Grandpa Jones.

He likes it!

1 comment:

McKay and Ashley Pearson said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY CHASE!! We love you! I can't believe he is already one! that is crazy