Wednesday, November 25, 2009

3883--Not just a Palindrome

3883 Miles Traveled
15 hours in airports and airplanes
5 states visited (or at least spent time in)
4 flights
4 car seats, 6 coats, 4 kids, 4 carry-ons, 1 stroller, 1 checked bag (When we arrived at the airport on Thursday morning, I said to the kids, "Welcome to the zoo!"  They said, "This is the zoo?"  I replied, "WE are the zoo."  The security check point was particularly enjoyable!)
3 days that started at 4 am or earlier
1 funeral (We will miss Grandma Kenison. The funeral was a wonderful tribute paid to her.)
1: 10-month old child with fever > 104 for 3 days
17 hours in the car (doesn't count in-town driving)
268: the number of fast food restaurants we visited (maybe a little exaggerated, but not by much!)
995: the number of fits/tantrums Caden threw (a low estimate; NOT an exaggeration)

How were the past 5 days for you?

We'll post pictures and give more details later.  Just thought it would be fun to give you a quick look at what that past 5 days have been like for us.


Lisa said...

I love all the stats!! I can only imagine; I feel the same way when we go to the airport and fly. It sounds like the funeral was nice; glad you guys could make it.

The Bassetts said...

Wow, that sounds like a horrible 5 days. I can't even imagine flying with 4 young kids. When we flew with Alan (before he turned 2) it was a nightmare. Hopefully the people on your flights were understanding. Hopefully Chase is he teething or sick?

I noticed that your blog noticed our new has skipped the last 4 or 5 posts.

Anyway, I hope life settles down for you now that you are home. Have a good thanksgiving.

Cynthia said...

THanks for the reminder of why I am glad I am not going to fly to see family at Christmas!!
Hope Chase is feeling better! At least you were traveling with a doctor.

Stacy said...

WEll, my days have been nothing compared to that. Just the usually cleaning, laundry, crying, laundry, cleaning, more crying and tantrums!

Foss Family said...

Whoa baby. That's all I gotta say!

Brenda said...

Hey Shelly, I am sorry, I truly feel for you. Although that is a cool post, I like the last part, it made me chuckle. Smile!

Lynn said...

Glad you're back safely. Hope you also had a Happy Thanksgiving.
Miss you,